Chapter 19 - A proposal

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Rahul drove Riya back home and she invited him in. He wanted to discuss the future with her and she had decided on the way back that a discussion was warranted. They had a lot to decide upon and now that neither of their parents supported them, things were a little more complicated.

"Have a seat" she said gesturing Rahul to enter their living room downstairs. She hadn't had a guest in this house for years. "Did you want something to drink?" She said trying to be polite. It was his first time here and she wanted him to feel comfortable.

"No it's okay, come and have a seat too." He said. He couldn't help but notice just how beautiful her eyes were as she walked past him to sit across from him. That was one feature of hers which had caught his attention from the start.

"So..." she said feeling awkward. She wanted to say so many things but also felt hesitant. She barely knew him and here they were about to be parents. She had to get over this though. This was reality and he was going to be in her future.

"I think you should move in with me." He blurted out. He had been thinking about this for awhile. Considering their parents weren't supportive, he thought the best way he could help Riya, was to have her live with him.

"What?!" She hadn't expected that at all. What had possessed him to ask her this?

"I know it's a shock and probably out of the ordinary but I think it'll be the best way for me to be around to help you." He said watching her expression. She was clearly lost for words and he didn't blame her, but he wouldn't have suggested it if he hadn't thought about it a lot.

"But, couples move in together. Not people who barely know each other." She couldn't think straight.

"Riya, think about it at least. If you were near me, I could help a lot. I could take care of you better."

Her instinct was to snap back and say that she didn't need taking care of. But she knew that considering the state she was in - it would be nice to have someone around to look out for her. However her stubborn and independent ego didn't allow her to easily succumb to his idea.

"I don't know Rahul...."

"I know my place isn't as luxurious as your home here. And I probably can't afford to give you the comforts you're used to. But I can be there to support you and give you whatever I can."

His words took her off guard. That was really sweet of him. Him even considering a commitment like this was attractive to her. A man who actually wanted to live with her so that she didn't have to go through this a lone - wow! Suddenly this didn't seem like such a horrible idea.

"I know by looking at this house, you think I'm used to some luxurious life. But truthfully I make my own living and I don't take anything from my father. You may have realised that I'm an independent's actually hard for me to take things from anyone..." she wanted to complete her sentence by saying ....and to let anyone too close, but decided against it. She didn't want him to misunderstand her.

"I know you're independent and I won't encroach on that. You will have your own space at my house and you can interact with me as much or as little as you want. I just want to be close by." He knew she was different from him and he wanted to respect that. He didn't know her well and he hoped that in the process of living together, he would get to learn more about her.

"I'll think about it okay?" She said smiling. She was grateful that he cared. Here he was, practically a stranger to her and he cared more than even her father did. She sighed. Her father cared and she knew it - but he was really hurt and she knew that he didn't handle emotional situations well. She had seen this when her mother had passed away. During the time she needed her father the most, he had dived head first into work and hadn't emerged until years later. By that time Riya had learned to fend for herself - she had learned not to lean on anyone but herself.

"Now, is there anything you want to discuss?" Rahul asked not wanting to push her too much.

"Honestly, not really. I feel really overwhelmed. Do you mind if we catch up later?" She wanted time to herself to process and think. She knew if she said yes to his proposal, her father would freak out even more. But moving in with him would be good for her and the baby in the long run. And it wasn't forever right? When she didn't need so much help with the baby, she could always move back out.

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