Chapter 28 - Bree

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The next day Rahul went to work as usual. Riya tried to keep herself busy throughout the day. She couldn't work as much as before because of the pregnancy. The pregnancy made it hard for her to perform properly. So she stayed at home most of the time. There she tried to keep herself busy with reading books, watching TV etc. but it did become quite boring some time. Meanwhile in the office Rahul was doing some paperwork. He tried to organize a proper schedule so that when the baby would be here he could leave a bit earlier and help Riya at home. He was disrupted by a knock on his office door.

"Come in."
Bree entered the room.
"Hey may I sit down?"

"Yes of course, what's up?" Rahul asked.
Bree sat down and looked at him.

"Why have you been so distant lately?"
Rahul was visibly confused. He had no clue what she was talking about.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Well you suddenly stopped talking to me and you always find some excuse to skip dinner with me? I thought we were going along great? And we had fun didn't we?"
Now Rahul finally understood what she was talking about.

"Oh that, sorry Bree I didn't mean to upset you, it's just that I.."

"You what?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"I just can't go out with you anymore. Not that you're not very lovely and everything, but because I'm very busy at home."

"Oh I understand. I was afraid I had done something."

"No don't worry, things are just a little busy at home." He gave her a reassuring smile.

"Well then I better get going and you get back to work, see you around!"
She said and stood up and left. Rahul sighed. He felt bad lying to her, but how was he possibly going to explain he has the mother of his first child at home without being involved with her. That would make him look like all the rest of the men who are after one thing and he clearly didn't want to be known for that. After all he was known for a somewhat clean image. The rest of the day flew by fast and it was time to go home. Rahul quickly left the building and started driving home. What he hadn't realise is that he forgot his briefcase at work. But it was too late for him to turn back as he had almost reached home. Lucky for him Bree had noticed his briefcase laying around and took the opportunity to drive to him and give it to him. Maybe he would even invite her for dinner at his home she thought.

Arrived at home he went inside and greeted Riya.

"Hey, I'm back from work, how are you? Are you and the little one alright?" He said as he walked into the living room and sat down next to her.

"Hey Rahul, I'm fine thank you and the baby is doing fine as well. How are you and how was your day? They would always have nice little conversations after work and catch up on their day. It was a way to get closer to each other and have a normal and healthy environment for the baby.

"Exhausted, paperwork can be a bit annoying, I don't recommend!"

"I wasn't planning in doing some soon." Riya said and giggled. He smiled at her. There was the little laugh he had grown fond of. After a bit of chitchat the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, you stay here, I wonder who it is." Rahul said and stood up. He walked over to the door and opened it. Riya was too curious to see who it was so she carefully stood up and followed him slowly. He opened the door and to his surprise Bree was standing there with briefcase.

"Hello Rahul, you had forgotten your briefcase at work and I thought I might drop it by, well here you go."

"Oh wow thank you Bree, that's very considerate of you." Rahul noticed Riya had joined him too. He was a little nervous and didn't know why.

"Who is that? Don't you want to introduce us?" Bree asked curiously. She was hoping it was his sister or something like that.

"The woman carrying his child, it's a pleasure to meet you." Riya hissed at her. She didn't know why she was behaving like that, but she felt like she had to make a statement there.

"Oh, Rahul you never mentioned that you have a lovely charming, pregnant wife." Bree said quite disappointed, sad and confused. She was confused why he had never mentioned her and why he had gone out for dinner with her when he was involved with someone.

"Oh well that's because-" Rahul tried to say, but was cut off by Riya.

"That's him, forgets the most important things." Riya said with a fake smile. Rahul didn't want to interrupt whatever was happening at the risk of hurting someone.

"Well thank you for bringing my briefcase Bree, have a lovely evening and get home safely."

"Goodbye." Bree said and left. Rahul closed the door.

"Wow jealousy doesn't suit you at all." He said.

"I wasn't, nor am I jealous!" She snapped.

"Oh sure and I'm the Queen of England! You should've seen your face, you're so jealous, admit it!"

"goodnight this conversation is pointless!" Riya said and walked away. Rahul let out a sigh. She was most definitely jealous.

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