Chapter 18 - First impression

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Rahul and Riya finally arrived at his parents house and walked towards the door.

"Are you ready?" Rahul asked her.

"I think so. It can't get any worse than that can it?" She tried to say it humorous. She looked like a mess right now. Wasn't the first impression she had planned on making with her child's grandparents. She sighed and Rahul rang the bell. Rahul's parents happily opened the door. They had missed him a lot. With work and everything these days he didn't have the chance to visit them. And when he called, his mother got especially happy and prepared a lovely meal for them. His dad was curious about who he would bring along. Potentially his daughter in law? It was about time Rahul would find someone to spend the rest of his life with. His parents wished that for him. They opened the door and immediately greeted Rahul with a tight hug. Their gaze went to Riya. Their happy expression immediately fell into a shocked - surprised expression. Riya felt super uncomfortable, but immediately greeted them firmly.

"Mom, dad this is Riya, Riya my parents."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Riya said trying to be very polite. She didn't want to mess this up.

"W-why don't you two come in." Nandini said and moved so they could walk in. She closed the door behind them and gestured them to the living room.

"Rahul may I use the bathroom?"

"Of course, maa, pa excuse us for a second." Rahul said and lead her to the way to the bathroom. He looked into some cabinets and gave her some stuff to clean up.

"Wait here, perhaps my mother has something for you to wear."

"Okay I will wait here." Riya has never felt this uncomfortable, misplaced and weird in her life. Everything seemed like a bad dream. She really wanted to make a good impression on his parents. She didn't want them to turn against them as well, because her own father had already turned himself against her and the baby. She tried to hold back her tears. Bloody hormones made her too emotional. She took the towel and wet it a little to clean herself up properly.
Rahul went back to his parents who now have been seated on the couch.

"Son I think you have a lot to catch us up on."

"Yes, I'm sorry this all comes out of nowhere.."

"Our of nowhere? This couldn't have been better, finally you're bringing us home a daughter in law!" His father added.

"No wait dad - maa do you have something Riya could wear? She had ehm a little accident and now her clothes are ruined."


"Upset stomach.."

"Why?" Nandini asked curiously.

"We'll tell you together. Now about the clothes..?"

"Yes, I will bring her something you wait here." She said and rushed to her room to find something for Riya to wear.

"You found yourself a very pretty and polite bride I must admit."

"Paa, she's not.. can we wait for this till she's back?" Rahul started to become nervous. He was sensing that this would lead to nowhere good. His parents assumed he would present them some kind off marriage news, which was the total opposite on what he was going to tell them. He was afraid they'd be furious with him and worse hate Riya and or won't accept his child.
Nandini grabbed something comfortable for Riya to wear and went to the bathroom and knocked on the door.


"No it's me dear." Riya quickly opened the door.

"I brought you something to wear."

"Thank you very much, I'm sorry for making you any trouble."

"Oh don't mention it." She said and handed her the clothes.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Oh no please I couldn't possibly bother you furthermore, I'll just change and quickly join you."

"Alright my child." She smiled and left to join Rahul and her husband again.
After some time Riya refreshed and joined everyone again. She sat down next to Rahul. Prabhal inspected her carefully. Riya felt very anxious. She didn't know why. Riya just secretly wanted his parents approval, because she could use the support of some kind of elder or someone with experience.

"Don't you want to say anything?" Prabhal remarked.

"Oh yes sorry, well we got some news."
Rahul looked at Riya and she only nodded.

"Mom, dad, Riya is pregnant with my child and we're not in any sort involved with each other.." he felt relieved getting that burden from his shoulders. But as expected their reaction wasn't exactly what he hoped for.

"Wait, let me get this straight. You are having a child out of wedlock and not planning on getting married and settling down and still dare to show up here?" His father said very mad.

"Prabhal, please calm down."

"No Nandini, please stay out of this one." Riya looked sadly at Rahul. She felt helpless and didn't know what to do.

"And you aren't you ashamed of yourself? Joining him like there's no problem in this?" He said pointing towards Riya.

"Dad, don't speak to Riya like that! She is the mother of my child after all!"
Riya didn't know which hit her more. His parents disapproval or just being his baby momma.

"Go out now! Rahul I'm so disappointed in you, after everything we've done for you!"

"We can talk about this, please!" Nandini said frustrated.

"There's nothing we need to talk about." Rahul sighed and stood up. He took Riya's hand and head to the door.
"If you change your mind about this we can talk again." He said and left with Riya. They walked towards his car and stood outside for a bit. Riya broke out in tears and hugged him tight.

"Rahul I'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble.." she said in between of sobs. He hugged her and stroke her back to calm her down.

"you didn't cause any trouble Riya. We just dropped something big on them. They'll come around eventually I'm sure. I know my parents, they won't stay mad forever." He comforted her.
Riya calmed down a little.

"But are you sure? I mean it doesn't bother you that your parents disapprove of this?"

"Maybe it does bother me a little, but I won't dump you for that, now don't worry about that okay? we'll make this work somehow."

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