Chapter 5 - Introductions

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Riya walked to where he was seated near a window overlooking the street outside. He had a huge goofy grin on his face and seemed harmless enough. She wanted to get this part of the date over and done with so they could get down to business.

"Hi Rahul!" She said waving at him.

He stood up and held his hand out to her formally. She raised her brow and took his hand - what was this? A business meeting?

"Hi Riya, so nice to meet you!" He said gesturing for her to take a seat. "What would you like to drink?"

"I'll have a latte thanks!" She said not wasting time looking at the menu in front of her. She didn't have time for all these pleasantries.

Rahul ordered for them both and flashed a smile at her. She couldn't help but smile back - he was like a little kid, so excited and innocent. Did he know what she wanted? Perhaps he didn't, but how could he not? Most men wanted an easy no strings attached night with a woman. The voice inside her mind spoke to her - maybe he wasn't like most men. She shrugged that thought away! All men were the same, just scum.

"Hello!" Rahul said waving at her after noticing that Riya had zoned out.

"Oh sorry! I haven't had a coffee date in a long time." She blurted out. It's true, she hadn't sat down like this with a man since Akhil....

"Actually I haven't either - in years! My friend made me join tinder. Apparently I wasn't being social enough." He said feeling extremely awkward. But she smiled at him, relaxing him instantly. She had such a beautiful face, hopefully her personality would be just as beautiful. He couldn't wait to get to know her. Her heavily black lined eyes spoke to him and she looked just so cool with her sunnies propped up on her head and her hair tied back.

"Don't worry, I hear that one a lot." She said.

"You go on a lot of tinder dates?" He asked curiously.

"I've been on a couple" she wouldn't call them dates in the traditional sense however. Their coffee came and she busied herself with her latte.

"Have you met many interesting people?" He asked taking a sip of his coffee. Who was she looking for? Clearly tinder hadn't delivered the man she desired yet. He wanted to understand her.

"I guess. I'm not sure to be honest. I never really got to know them too well." She confessed. She never wanted to know them - what was the point? They would have ended up hurting her. It was better that she got what she wanted and left.

"Oh..." he didn't know what to say to that. How could not get to know them? Isn't that how this worked. She noticed him deep in thought this time and thought to get this date moving.

"How about we finish this coffee and head to your place?"

"My place?" There it was again. Why his place? It felt a little too intimate too soon. He had to divert her attention. "It's a little messy at the moment, how about another day?"

She was confused as to why he was delaying this. What was wrong with him?

"Sure then..." she said without any enthusiasm. This made Rahul worry - had he put her off? He didn't want to kill her interest this fast.

"I promise next time!" He said firmly and she smiled. "So tell me about yourself?"

"What do you want to know?" She said taking a sip of her latte. If they were going to spend their time making small talk, she wanted to answer whatever he asked and leave as soon as possible to meet up with her friends.

"Family? Job? Hobbies etc?" He said feeling that he was quickly losing her interest.

"Hmmm me and dad, I was a Vet but I quit to pursue a career in music and music is also my hobby I guess. What about you?" She thought it was only polite to ask him too.

"I live a lone in the city, my parents live in the suburbs. I am an accountant and I don't have many hobbies besides hanging with my cat." He said realising just how boring he sounded. She was this cool musician and he just made himself out to be some old grandpa.

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