The Business Man Part 3

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I'm so sorry that this took so long but I was having such a hard time writing this and then a ton of stuff was happening, and I just couldn't get it done. It's not completely revised but as always I hope you guys like it.

"I'm not so sure about this Jughead." I said, walking next to him, staring at the building ahead of me.

"I promise you that you are completely safe. I wouldn't bring you here if you wouldn't be. I really want you to meet these people."

I sighed and nodded my head. "Okay."

We reached the door and he opened it for me. "Just stay close to me." He whispered before slipping his hand into mine. The action surprised me, but I couldn't argue that I wanted to pull my hand away.

I fixed my black top with my free hand as Jughead led us further into the bar.

"Jones!" Someone bellowed from behind us, causing me to jump.

Jughead whipped his head around and his face broke out in a smile. "Sweet Pea!" Jughead yelled back. They greeted each other and I saw that Sweet Pea had the same Serpent on the back of his jacket like the one Jughead currently had on.

"I didn't know you were coming home."

Jughead rolled his eyes. "It's' the Jones family reunion dinner tomorrow night." He said, annoyance clear in his voice.

Sweet Pea's eyes drifted from Jughead's to mine and it seemed like he finally realized I was standing there. "Who's this?" He asked, his eyes raking over my body when his question was aimed towards Jughead.

Jughead protectively wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Sweet Pea chuckled at Jughead's actions. "This is Betty Cooper and she is off limits." He said, clenching his teeth at the end.

"Too bad." Sweet Pea smirked, looking back over at Jughead. It looked like Jughead was going to say something, but he was cut off by another person yelling to get his attention.

"Jug!" Another dark-haired guy yelled, walking up behind Sweet Pea.

"Fangs!" Jughead yelled back equally as happy.

I saw that Fangs also had the same jacket that both Jughead and Sweet Pea had on. I finally let my eyes drift around the bar, and I noticed that almost everyone around had either a jacket with a serpent on it or an obvious tattoo of one. That's when I realized what I had just walked into. I was at a gang's bar. I should have figured it out earlier, but I guess I just never thought my rich and successful boss was part of a gang.

"...and this is Betty."

Hearing Jughead say my name I snapped my eyes back to the guy in front of me. I give a small wave and he smiles. "Hi. I'm Fangs."

Jughead and his friends talked for a few more minutes but I wasn't listening. I was still looking all around the bar and coming to terms that my boss was part of a gang.

Once his friends left Jughead turned his head to look at me. "So how..."

I cut him off. "Why didn't you tell me you're part of a gang?"

He scratched the back of his neck and looked down. "I didn't want to scare you off."

Any irritation I had towards him instantly went away. I grabbed his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. "I told you, nothing you said could make me change my mind about being here with you."

He looked up into my eyes and gave me a small smile. "Well in that case," He said, taking a deep breath, "I'm not just part of the gang. I'm their previous leader."

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