Tattoos 4/6

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Warning: just in case anyone is uncomfortable with it. This chapter swears a couple of times. Nothing too bad but I just wanted to let you know.

It was currently quarter to five and I was lying on my bed watching Agents of SHIELD, in my black leggings and my grey sweatshirt, when I heard the doorbell ring.

I groaned as I shut off my T.V. and went down stairs to answer the door.

"Hey." Jughead said.

I opened the door further so he could step inside. "Hi."

I closed the door once he stepped inside and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. "You want anything to drink?" I asked him.

"I'll take a water." He said. I tossed a bottle of water at him then closed the fridge door.

"Do you live alone?" He asked me.

"No. My mom and dad are both gone for the weekend and my sister lives a few hours away." I told him.

"So we're alone?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. "Is your goal to get me to kick you out of my house?" I asked him.

He apologized and it was silent for a minute before Jughead spoke up. "What's your problem with me?"

I scoffed. "Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah seriously. I don't understand why you hate me." He told me.

"Well to start off. When we first met you were either a jerk or a flirt and I tried to ignore it. But it wasn't until you called me a 'Northside Princess'. That's when I really started to hate you." I told him.

"Look I'm sorry that I called you that." He said.

"Where did you hear that name?" I asked

"Betty I..."

I cut him off. "I don't want excuses, I want an answer."

He didn't answer me. "Was it Toni Topaz?" I asked.

"How do you know Toni?" He asked me.

"We were friends when we were in middle school. She turned on me, started hanging out with some other kids, and started calling me a Northside Princess."

He still stayed silent for a minute. "Was it Toni?" I asked slightly louder.

He mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"Stop stalling Jughead and just tell me! " I yelled.

"Yes!" He yelled back.

I lowered my voice. "Are you a serpent?"


"I already told you that I don't want excuses." I said to him.

He sighed and took off his jacket.

And there it was. A serpent tattoo on his shoulder. I stepped closer and cautiously traced my finger down it. But I didn't stop at the end of the snake tattoo, I kept going. I traced my finger all the way down this arm until I grasped his wrist.

It was silent in the house. The only thing you could hear was our breathing. I turned his wrist over to see his tattoo. I was right, we have the same tattoo. I looked at the other wrist which had the exact same thing.

"Your tattoo..." I trailed off.

"Yeah, I know, they're weird." He chuckled nervously, taking his wrists from my hands. "I've never known anyone else to have two of the same tattoo."

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