Chapter-5 "Early Adolescence"

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I didn't let this trauma affect me. I was a strong girl like my Zebra. I wanted to live my life, achieve many goals like he did. So I worked hard for my studies. But School played it's part in giving me pains too.

Today Grandpa went to collect the left property of my parents and the necessary documents. It was kinda alot for a girl like me to handle all this lot. So I left it under the hands of my grandparents. Well ,what they did? They sent me to the most expensive school in the city, "Avril South".

Of course, everyone's mind is filled with this shitty thought that Avril South is the best school and college in North Bend and it's academics are highly appreciated by the Head and Minister of Education. No doubt they filled his ass with money so that he could keep his damn mouth shut about what's really inside "Avril South".

Grades 3rd,4th, and 5th went quite well. I was the highest of my class. Grade 6th was not too quite good and I had some fallbacks too. I found so many students, even friends, who were jealous of me and my achievements. However things started meddling in grade 8th.

You know what an orgasm is? Well, it's a sort of excitement in a sexual sort of way. Well one day during our class session, Martin, one of those students who hated and was jealous of me to God knows which extent. He saw that my skirt was lingering. For one thing, I never had an orgasm during my school time. That day, my new skirt was being washed so I had to wear my old skirt which was kinda short. Martin saw that it was a best opportunity to embarrass me in front of everyone. He told everyone from ear to ear , whispering,"Look.. Kiara's having an orgasm, probably must be in love with Mr.Danny" laughing manically. Everyone started to look at me. I was confused. Why is everyone looking at me? Why are Ella and Jack laughing at me? What's going on?

The session finished and I stood up and shouted "Whatever's the hell going on?!". They didn't answer but were laughing at me alot. I felt a sudden urge of sadness in my heart. I went out to drink water. But that motherfucker told everyone at the school about my orgasm. A senior Sophomore girl looked at me and said " Aren't ya quite young to fall in love with Mr.Danny, but he is kinda hot isn't he?".
Hearing these words, I ran away back to my class and started crying. Devils lurking around instead of helping me and soothing me. They were laughing at me and saying all sorts of terrible things.
Even Frya, my closest friend didn't do anything to calm me and say "It's okay".

You would be lucky to have a friend who is always there to help you in your saddest,hardest and toughest times. Because it's friends who help us escape from tragedies. I had no one there, even my closest friend betrayed me and left me. No parents to guide me. I didn't want to worry my grandparents so I kept all the pain within myself. I tried to fight it.

But for how long will I be fighting this pain ?

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