Chapter-12 "Teenage" ---- VI."Revenge"

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Alex, Jake and Jim got suspended for 3 days by Principal Maxim. They didn't attend the college but Jack did secretly to meet with some devils who are making their evil plans right now.

Till that time, I was camouflaged and disguised with everything so that Frya and Ella won't get suspicious about me. Frya asked me"Yo, bitch, did ya take my pic?". "Of course, I did not, Frya". I answered. "That better be true, cause right now I am searching for the one who took my pic and I am not gonna leave that person alive so he or she better steer clear from me..." Frya said.

I got scared that what if she found out that it was I who took the pic. What will she do to me? She didn't do anything. Everything was done by ...........well let's continue.

I secretly started to spy on them, Ella and Frya.

Today, I saw them gather up at pavellion ground when it was really empty. From behind I was looking at them, I saw a boy coming to them with a hoody on his head. He removed his hoody. It was Jack. I didn't hear much but I did hear this "Do this now and teach that asshole a lesson".
Who did she mean by saying that? I wished I realized about this sooner.

But already my previous actions caused so much violence already, I didn't tell Alex about this or anyone at all. I kept it to myself. I wish I told Alex about this on time.

Alex and I had now became more than just best friends now. He has invited me to his home tonight. Now why is he inviting me to his home? I was thinking this at that time. Usually I would go to his home without him knowing....but calling me like that.... something's fishy about this.

"Do wear your best shirt and that purple pant you wore at Cheerleaders Auditions, I really loved that..." Alex told me on his phone.

"Hahaha,okay , okay...what have you got on your mind tonight?". I asked him.

"Come tonight and experience it yourself". He answered.

I wore my best clothes and my purple pant that night. I told my grandparents that I am going to Alex's. "Have a nice sex, dear Kiara ". Grandma said. My cheeks went red as lava. "GRANDMA! Don't say like that!". "Go and enjoy, baby girl" Gramps said.

I reached his house. He opened me and took my hand and took me to his room.
We talked with each other for a while. Watched a few movies.

After a while, Alex bought a bottle of beer and vodka. " I have never gone drunk before, Alex". I told him.
"Neither have I , let's get drunk together". He said smiling and laughing.

We got drunk and drank 2 glasses.
Alex said to me ,"Kiara, will you be my girlfriend?".

I knew what he expected me to say and I knew what I had to say.

"Yes...". I said with my smiling face with my pink lipglossed lips.

We kissed each other.

After a while, we became naked and had our sex.

Suddenly I remembered those boys and Jonathan and what they did to me.

I shivered and jumped up from the bed, sighing heavily again and again.

"Kiara, are you alright? What happened.? Is everything okay?, Tell me". Alex said.

I couldn't keep all these pains with myself so I told Alex whatever happened to me at that nightover at Frya's.

It wasn't the only thing I told him. I told him all my pains of my life from my infancy to where I am right now.

I trusted and loved Alex with all my heart and so did he.

"Kiara, it's okay.... Life has played great pains on you.... You didn't deserve to have this life .... You are sweetest kindest angel and the nicest girl I have ever seen in the shitty college. I am lucky to have a girl as sweet and kind hearted like you...
Know that I will always be there for you and I will always protect you..... I will let nothing happen to you..". Alex soothed me.

His only saying this and my bleeding bruised heart started to heal. For the first time in my life, I felt that happiness does exist. Broken hearts can be joined.

My eyes became tearful and I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and we slept.

That moment was my life's most happiest moment ever. It worth cherishing and I cherished it with all my heart.

But that night.... It didn't just bring happiness.... That night was the night of revenge.

Frya , Ella and Jack weren't going to keep quiet about what happened to them. They wanted revenge from Jim.

That night, Jim got a text from an unknown sender who marked his name in disguise as Alex. He told him to meet at Park's Row right now. Jim knew that tonight Alex and Kiara were together with each other but maybe he might have changed his mind. "On my way". He texted back to him.

He reached Park's Row. The park was empty mostly. He did see three dark shadows standing ahead like 10 metres from him. "Alex? Is that you? Who are those other people?". Jim asked.
The shadows started coming near him. It was pitch black and he couldn't see their faces.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Jim shouted.

Suddenly a tiny flash of light came from the shadows and hit the chest of Jim. He shivered and fell to the ground. He spitted blood from his mouth and it was continuously coming out of his mouth. He got shot.

Those three shadows were Frya, Ella and Jack who had the gun in his hand.

They saw him panting on the ground, begging to them please help me, please....

These three shitheads were laughing at him until he......stopped moving.

The bullet penetrated his lungs and heart.

They took his body and hid it so no one knows about his disappearance.

Here Alex and I were having our night of our life and Jim had his last night of his life....

What other tragedies await for me now?

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