Chapter-10 "Teenage" ---- IV."The Bisexual Bitch"

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Remember Jack and Ella? Those two guys who were laughing at me during the "Orgasm" incident. They were my nice friends at that time. But our friendship didn't last long since we are at different sections of our college now. The shitty "Avril South College".

Jack is now the leader and the president of the Avril South Sports Team. He was highly athletic and had a nice and firm muscular body. He was a blonde and his eyes were brownish black. He wasn't too tall or too short. The principal applauded him alot. He had won the elections of Sports President for the past 2 years. He was a public figure among everyone at Avril South. But he wasn't a nice guy. He was a nightmare dressed in a day dream. You will see what he does ahead.

Ella was among the Avril South's Local Magazine editors. She was the editor of the category of Fashion and Lifestyle. Her magazine section was adored by all the girls at Avril South. She was an amazing writer and her ideas were extraordinary. She was nice with everyone, even me. But she had a dark side too. After all, one day she had to face her true self. She was a lesbian. But she hasn't done kissing yet. It wasn't too soon when she found her perfect date. Guess who that other bitch was? Well let's see what happened....

Ella, Frya and I were going to the Girls Locker Room. It was our sports period and we had to change our uniform and wear the sports dress. Usually Ella and Frya would change their clothes right in front of me. But today they went directly to the washroom. I wasn't too concerned about that. I took my shirt and skirt and put on my sport dress. I had to wash my hands so I went to the washroom.

As I was just opening the door, I had heard giggles and low groaning. Then I had the laughing sounds again. A thought came in my mind which I was begging not to be true. I went inside slowly and stealthily. I wasn't going to wash my hands. I went to the last portion of the bathroom, the giggles growing louder and louder. Then I stood flat at the side wall and looked behind silently. What did I find?

Ella and Frya were kissing each other. My violent thought became reality. I took a picture of them secretly. I wasn't like those fucking bitches who like to gain popularity by exposing others. I just kept this picture so that maybe it could be taken as a proof. I just left them so they could do their business.

Frya was "The Bisexual Bitch".

She loved Jim and Ella both. Yes, it's my wrong statement. About 90% of the cases,the bisexuals end up with a woman rather than a man. It so happened like this. Poor Jim.

I wasn't gonna keep quiet about what I had seen.

It was our recess time and we were all having our lunch. Alex and I both sat alone at our own bench. Sometimes Jim would join us . But today he didn't come to the college.

"Alex, listen...I saw something today". I whispered to Alex.
"What did you see?" Alex said.
"I saw Ella and Frya kissing each other".I told him.

It came as a shock to him as well as how it came to me. But his shock was greater. He felt sorry and angry for Jim,who loved Frya with all his heart and she cheated on him.

"I am gonna tell Jim about this". Alex said.
"No,no please don't tell Jim...."
Suddenly Ella and Frya just passed us by. Both holding each other's hands and laughing like crazy hoes.

"No, Kiara, this is wrong... That bisexual bitch will continue to fool Jim unless I don't do anything about this. After all, I am his closest friend. He would feel betrayed by me too if I don't tell him". Alex said.

At some point, Alex was right. I felt kinda angry at Frya too. Because I remembered about what his brother and those boys did to me.

"But even if I tell him that Frya is bisexual and she is cheating on you, how will he believe me? He would proof, right?". Alex questioned.

I took out phone and showed Alex the picture I took. I knew that this picture would be required as a proof sooner or later.

"Alex,I am with this pic to Jim and tell him about everything how she is cheating on him..." I told Alex.

Alex knew I was only saying this because I wanted revenge for what her brother did to me and couldn't agree more.

Now the hurricane and the storm is going to hit. What will happen now?

Would our actions backfire on us?

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