Chapter-9 "Teenage" ---- III."Alex"

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That night, I cried and cried... alot.God knows how I went to sleep. I woke up late that day. I had a wet dream. My miniskirt was wet. My alarm was buzzing out so loud but I heard it's blurring after half an hour, I was so heavily sleeping. I threw the damn thing off the table. I stood up ,still in my miniskirt and opened my lock. Grandma heard the opening of my lock and ran upstairs. " Goodness gracious, Kiara , look at you.. what happened last night, we bought your cake and you just bunked us off like that?" Grandma said sadly.

I felt miserable. I didn't want to hurt my grandparents. "Grandma, my sweet, sweet little granny, bring the cake out and put it on the table, let me just wash myself up and let's celebrate", I said to her with my eccedentesiast face.

I was hurt inside. But it wasn't the fault of my grandparents. They shouldn't get involved in my sadness. After all, they are gonna leave me sooner or later....but it was I who left them earlier....

Cleaning myself up, I ran down to the dining room. Grandpa and Grandma were waiting for me. As soon as I came, Grandpa burst the party pooper, both of them in a chorus saying" Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kiara!". I felt so much happy and kissed them both. "I love you" I told them. "We love you too, baby girl" they replied back to me.

I cut my cake and I shoved it to Grandpa's mouth. The next one went to grandma's mouth. Then they both shoved big pieces in my mouth. Boy, they were hard to ingest.

Now it was present time. They gave me a parcel in which it was written "Love from grandpa,grandma, Leopard and Zebra". I looked at my grandparents with a smiling face and opened the parcel.

It's was an iPad! A damn iPad!

I started crying."Thank you, you guys, thanks for making my day so nice". And hugged them again. They hugged me back. " Your welcome, baby girl". Grandma replied.

As I said in the earlier chapters, I had happy moments in my and this was my most happiest one and one more happy memory is still remaining....nah uh...wait till the next chapter....

Birthday celebrated. Now it was time to go back to college. Back to my graveyard of nightmares. Back to the place where devils and witches were waiting for me.

I got to the college next day. Today wasn't too bad or like frustrating but I found something rather.... suspiciously lovable.

I was gossiping along with Frya and the other girls. When I saw Alex looking at me. Alex was a shy guy. He didn't talk with much people. He had many friends but the one he was really close with was Jim. Jim was a nice guy. I respected the girls and their privacy. He wouldn't flirt with any girl except well....Frya was his girlfriend. Yeah he loved Frya and Frya also loved him. This love story didn't last long by the way...

Yeah so we were talking about Alex. Alex had a crush on me but he didn't propose me...yet. Alex told Jim that I like Kiara. Jim said"Propose her,dude before she gets taken or I am gonna tell her about this". "You wouldn't! I will propose her when I will, you don't need to interfere". "Alright! Calm down ,man... Do whatever is suitable to you, but don't make a bitchy face at me when you get rejected" Jim started laughing and ran away. Alex was looking at him angrily yet he was happy about how he said about the proposal.

Frya told me:" Tonight Jim and I are gonna have some boning up, you know like how you got bonned by my bro". I don't know whether she meant it for making me jealous or sarcastically. "Enjoy getting boned up" I told her.

Jim and Frya had sex that night. While me and Alex were at our homes.

I didn't have crush at him yet. It got developed slowly. Alex and I started to talk with each other and spent more time with each other as friends.

Our friendship developed to bestfriendship. But the storms that come now are not gonna hurt me. They are gonna hurt.....

Well the aftermath of the storm comes in the next chapter....

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