Final Chapter-"Destiny" pt.2

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I laid there. Not moving at all. Sighing heavily. I began to feel sorry for myself.
After all, it were my actions who bought this pain on me. I learned that lesson after my death.

In the end, my death had to bring some life lessons to you guys after all.

I had pounding of boots coming from outside.

Suddenly Jack and his sports mates came inside the girls washroom. What did they want here in the girls washroom? They wanted me.

"Kiara, what happened?, Are you alright?" Jack said as he was coming near me.

"Come on it's going to be okay, come stand up..." He gave me his hand but his intentions didn't seem good to me.

All of sudden he started touching me and my body.

"Come boys, let's teach this a life lesson she will never forget". Jack said.

All of a sudden,Jack threw me on the ground and all the boys started to rape me.

They were touching my unspeakable places. I was shouting with my fullest voice but it didn't reach outside. I was helpless.

Until I heard the door burst open, Alex came inside with a baseball bat in his hands.

"How dare you all pieces of shits touch Kiara, how dare you touch her!". He flung his baseball bat at one of the sport guys and he fell faint.

He shot the head of another one. But Jack caught his bat now.

"Alex, I am telling leave us alone and nothing will happen to you, interfere more and you will face consequences". Jack told him.

"Fuck you and your consequences!". Alex yelled at him.

"Fine, have it your way". Jack said with fucking tune of a devil in his voice.

He took the bat from his hand and shoved it at his head extremely hard.

As he punched him, he turned his head with a reflex looked at me for the one last time in his life. Blood fell from his mouth. He fell down.

Jack's attack on his head was so hard on his face that his skull got broken and his brain became fractured. Alex remained motionless on the floor. He wasn't moving......... He was dead.

"ALEX!!!!!" I shouted.

My shouting didn't do anything. No one could hear what terrible disasters were happening here.

"Mind your own business now, bitch!" Jack said and left along with his boys.

Here I was laying there. But I tried to stand up. My whole body was paining.
I reached to Alex's body.

"Alex , Alex come on, look at me... Come on, Alex!!". I said with tears in my eyes.

He didn't move his lips. His heart wasn't beating anymore. His eyes were looking at me from the once moving eye sockets of his. My tears kept falling on his face.

"Alex, talk to me, please". He didn't move a muscle.

Let's summarize what pains life had given me....

I lost my Leopard and Zebra.

I was publically disgraced from a young age.

I got rapped by the guy I had crush.

My own closest and my nearest friends betrayed and left me alone.

I got publically harassed.

My two truest friends, Alex and Jim. Both dead now.

What was my purpose left to live now?

I tried to stand up with heavy pain in my body.

Jack and the boys left dirty scars on my body.

My heart which had finally started to heal with the bandages of love from Alex, today these bandages fell off .... And my power of clotting had exhausted.

I had given my last chance to life. But I can't bear this pain anymore. I can't stop my heart from bleeding now.

It was continuously bleeding and I could feel that it was begging me to stop this pain once and for all .

I put my hand on the wash. It slipped and I fell off. I tried to stand again. I reached the door with great pain and opened it.

I knew where my destination was now.

I went to the left hall where no students go. I took that shortcut so I could reach the topmost floor of the college where the terrace was.

I couldn't walk myself there up because of the pain so I used the elevator.

I reached the terrace.

I walked ahead.

And ahead.

I could see the whole college now.

I could all the students and the teachers and professors going around busy in their daily rumble and works.

Here my daily rumbles and works are going to finish forever.

Our building was 100 metres high and I was standing at the toppest part of the building.

I came closer to the ledge and looked down.

Thoughts came in my mind.

I started to hear Leopard and Zebra. They were saying baby girl, life has given so much pain to you.....but it is time for you to join us and leave this life once and for all.

I don't know if it was my thinking or whether their ghosts were haunting me.

I looked behind me for the last time.

Now I opened my hands and my arms like a bird who instead of flying wanted to fall.

I fell.

And fell.

All the saddest pains and heartbreaking memories were furiously coming in my mind as I fell.

Students and the professors saw me falling.

I hit the ground.

The ground was splattered with the blood tored from my heart and my front body.

Girls started shouting when they saw me fallen like that. Boys, the fucking boys started to make a video about this.

You see, I didn't want to die. I wanted to live and have my children.

But life's pains left their heavy marks on my heart, my bleeding heart.

I would really give a nice advice to you. You are a lucky person if you have your parents and your truest friends. Parents never let you fall for pains and they help you recover from it.

Friends help you escape from your tragedies and pains. They guide you and are your second family.

I lost my parents at my young age.

I lost my true friends at this age.

There was no one to guide me and help me escape from this pain.

So I took the shortcut. I committed suicide so my pains will end and I will finally escape from all this crap.

It was my funeral the next day.

My grandparents were standing there. Grandma was crying with her head in Grandpa's hands. Along my grave, Alex was also burried.

On the side stone, it was written These Two Love Birds Lie In Their Graves, Sleeping Peacefully.

On my grave's other side, Leopard and Zebra's graves were there.

Now I am finally free from my pains and here I am with Alex, my Leopard and my Zebra.




The End.

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