Chapter-6 "Late Adolescence"

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Late Adolescence. My final two years left in completing the school. These two years went unexpectedly quite well. I was thinking what other terrible disasters await for me during these two remaining school years. Disasters didn't come but the climate was irreverent and unnatural for me which stayed the same,never did a happy rainbow ever formed, thanks to that asshole Martin.

After that incident, people started judging me. Alot. I hate when people judge others only by hearing fucking rumours from ugly jealous devils. Well, you can imagine , me walking in the main corridor and freshman and sophomores are looking at me, some with disgusted faces while few made flying kisses towards. I didn't want to give a damn to them but inside , I felt terribly sad. My friends were disgusted from me. They would call me,"here comes the orgasm girl!". The rumour reached Mr.Danny.

One day he called me in his office. "Kiara, how are you?". "Struggling" I replied with a shy face.
"I didn't know you were in love with me".
"So you too believe in this bullshit" I replied back.
"No ,my dear, I know that some asshole spread this rumour. Tell me his name and I will get him suspended from for at least a week"
"Wow, like wow... What's the use of suspending Martin now that he has told everyone in Avril South, huh?"
"Well I came to know about this now, if I had known sooner I would have done this action long ago."
"Yeah yeah, keep those excuses with yourself ,Mr Danny, I have learned to survive in this shitty place you call a school, no need to get too formal with me". I replied to him and left his office, his face quite blank and interrogatively unsatisfied.

Damn... School life did this much to me.
It gives me those chills and shudders what would await for me in the college life. The disaster held at bay won't remain there forever. It's nature work that disaster must happen. Any place cannot remain free from disasters. Think of a house in a place like nowhere. That house is my life. Disasters strike there and my house gets destroyed. But I build it again, yet less stronger than before. Disaster strike again and I rebuild with lesser and lesser strong infrastructure. Finally when the biggest storm strikes, with heavy tornadoes and windy storms of hurricane and a huge wave of a tsunami comes...... The house gets destroyed forever.

That's how my life ended.

I couldn't find anymore materials to build the house again. These materials were family and friends and all those people who care about you. I had least till now.

Well well, I got too emotional, didn't I ? Let's continue the story...

I got highest grade in the 10th grade in the whole city of North Bend. Unexpectedly, people were happy about my achievement and they applauded for me. I saw the highly disgusted and shitty face of that dick Martin. Inside I was saying to him, "Surprise motherfucker!". Yeah that moment was among my life's most happiest moments. Yeah, ahead some happy moments are there. After all my life won't be too sad now, would it?

Here ends my adolescence... In the next chapter begins my teenage and my all my struggles. I really wish I wasn't all alone. But I couldn't bear the pains of life either......

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