Chapter-13 "Destiny" pt.1

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Morning light struck my eyes as Alex opened the window.

"Good Morning" Alex said.
I was still yawning and said in a dizzy way"Good Moooornning...".

"Wake up now, we have to get to college"

We both got ready and had our breakfast with Mr.Morrison and Mrs.Morrison , Alex's parents. They were quite happy about our relationship.

Reaching the college, we went to our open our lockers, Jim always stood there waiting for us but for the first time, he wasn't there. Alex was convinced maybe he woke up late today.

He never wakes up late and always comes on time. But still it wasn't worth much worrying right now.

Our class began. Jim was still nowhere to be seen. Alex was still cool. But I had something really disturbing going on in my mind. I was starting to worry about Jim. Where would he be? I hope Frya didn't do anything to him...

Why I said that? Frya was a spoilt bitch. Her parents gave her everything she wanted and let her do whatever she wants. I once saw her scratch her long nails on a little boy's face who just accidentally pushed her. The poor boy's face was bleeding as hell. She gave me a warning not to say about this to anyone.

I just really hope that Frya hasn't got anything to do with Jim.

The whole day was over, Alex began to worry about Jim now whereas me, I was worried as hell when a message came to Alex's phone.

Alex opened his phone to find that Jim had texted him, "The guy's fine ,man. Me's just having a cool time around the beach right now, don't worry about me".

Ella texted that message to us from Jim's phone they stole from his body last night.
She was trying to hide the truth by making everyone believe that Jim is still alive.

We did believe his message and we stopped worrying now.

But now my actions are discovered.

I loved eating mentos. Like alot. They were always there in my pocket of my shirt.

The day I took the pic of Ella and Frya kissing each other, I had mentos in my shirt pocket. As I bent myself so as to take an accurate shot of them...a mentos fell from my pocket to the ground.

At that neither did I or Ella or Frya discovered that small mentos. But someone did.....

Jack wanted to know who did this and who took their picture... That day, he was examining the washroom so that maybe he could find something that would relate to the culprit.

That unlucky day, he found my fallen mentos on the ground. He didn't know that I liked mentos. But he kept it as an evidence.

He showed that mentos to Frya. She quickly understood what that meant. She  just knew at once that it was I who took their pic.

She wanted revenge from me now.

I was having my normal day at the college. I had no idea what was planned for me today that will lead me to.. .. ..

Frya texted me,"Bitch, get to the girls washroom now!".

I got nervous about whether she found that I was the culprit or maybe she just called me for another purpose. I wished I didn't go there.

I reached the girls washroom. Ella and Frya were standing there.

"Bitch,come here...." Ella said.

I knew that something terrible is going to happen.

"You see this?" Frya showed me a little mentos in her finger squeezed.

"You know who likes mentos the most? You ,bitch , you fucking bitch!". Frya shouted.

I knew all at once what happened. She found my dropped mentos and she knows that I took their picture.

"How dare you, you fucking bitch!" Frya shouted.

She took me by my hair and slammed my head to the mirror. It started to bleed and the mirror was broken.

"How did you betray me, you shitty whore!" Ella took me by a hairs and took me to the toilet and pushed my face inside it 3 times.

My face was bleeding. I got bruises all over my body.

They punched me and threw me off to the wall. I laid there. Motionless. But not dead.

But my punishment isn't done yet....

Now comes the final chapter of my story and how I die.... I wished the things were better for me....

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