Chapter-7 "Teenage"---- I."The Holidays"

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Summer vacations were about to end. I would spend my time sleeping heavily under my covers, when Grandma would start shouting unstoppingly "Kiara!! Wake up, young lady. Sleeping all day and doing nothing!". I really wanted to sleep but grandma's shouting won't stop until I jump out of my bed ,still under my underwear, and go down to show her I am awake. With her satisfied, I would go to my room, wash myself up, have my breakfast then go to Frya's.

Well I needed to spend sometime with friends too.....friend in my case. Frya was quite nice at that time. We both helped each other in our summer work. Then we would gossip with each other. Frya forgot about that "Orgasm" incident. We both got along pretty well.

One night I decided to go to her house and have a nightover with her. Frya said: "Come ya bitch! Let's have a crazy night together!". Later that night, I went to Frya's , after asking my grandma. Grandma was the head of the family nowadays. Grandpa handled the financial work mostly but gramps was nice too.

I got to Frya's. We went to her room. Her brother, Jonathan ,was standing at the main room in the mid corridor and he kinda froze when he saw me. Well so did I . I had a crush on Jonathan. I never told Frya about this and I am pretty sure that she observed this already. But the disaster that occurred that night changed my life forever. This was my grieviest mistake. The mistake of nightover.

Frya and I were in her room now. We wanted to have fun so we watched some movies first. I brought popcorn with myself and we had a nice time binge watching. Frya got bored now. She stood up, removed her shirt and pants and started dancing and jumping on the bed with her shirt in her hand, swirling like a tornado. " Come, Kiara, let's jump and chill!" She shouted. Well I felt a little bit embarrassment first. But then I also went to the bed and removed my shirt and skirt, and we both starting jumping on the bed, holding each other's hands and shouting like crazy bitches.

After hours of jumping,shouting and fun, Frya and I fell asleep. Frya mouthed was open like a black hole, only this black hole was making scrouchy noises. I fell asleep when I heard knock at our door. Frya didn't hear it but I did. So I stood up, wore my shirt and my skirt and opened the door. It was Frya's brother. "Come ,Kiara, come to my room, let's have a nice time together". For one thing, I was crazy for Jonathan. But I felt something odd , like why would he suddenly call me to his room right now... Just see what happens....

We sat for a while together and talked. Later on, I knew Jonathan wanted something at that time. Yes, sex.

He wore off his shirt and underwear and so did I . We became naked. Yeah, I lost my virginity that night. But this first experience ruined me utterly. Suddenly Jonathan put a capsule of anesthesia in my mouth and I fell faint. My eyes were closing and I couldn't see. What I saw were 3 more boys who came out of nowhere. I felt these boys touching me. I shouted "FRYA! FRYA!!!" but words won't come out because my mouth was shut by their hands.

I got rapped that night.

I thought so much about Jonathan. What a nice guy he is and so hot he is.If you looked at him, his face looked so caring one but he uses this face for his dirty works and turned out to be a monster hungry to rape girls along with the other monsters along him.

The next morning I woke up. I was at Frya's bed. Her mouth still open and she still half naked. I couldn't remember what happened to me. I thought about last night. What happened ? Maybe it was just a nightmare. I didn't get rape. I believed on this fact till..... Well that part comes in the next chapter...

Summer vacations ended. College started and first day didn't go too well...

Next chapter shows the tragedy of my first day and it's destruction to my bruised heart.....

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