Chapter-8 "Teenage"---- II."The College"

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Today was the last night of my summer vacations. I had great hopes about the first day of college tomorrow. What new friends I will meet, what new professors there will be.... what new disasters await for me......

Consequently, it so happened that it was my birthday tomorrow as well. I am gonna be 16 tomorrow. I thought maybe Frya would have prepared something for me. Well if she doesn't , at least I will spend my birthday with my grandparents. I don't know why I was keeping hopes from everyone . Perhaps my days were going great so I thought maybe life has got tired of shooting it's pains on me. It was my misconception. A terrible misconception.

I woke up the next day. I had high hopes for my first day of college. After washing myself up, I went down to have my breakfast. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, KIARA!", Grandma and Grandpa cheered upto me. I felt so much happy and hugged them both. "Come home today fast and we will go outside to enjoy and have a nice dinner" said Grandpa. I wanted to skip the college today so that I would go outing with them right now, but I had high hopes from my college day too. I hugged and kissed them both and went to college.

I reached the corridor. As soon as I got in the main hall. All the girls and boys started to look at me suspiciously, disgustingly, sarcastically and annoyingly. They would laugh at me secretly. I heard one boy say "Way to go,whore!". Why would he say that? I went on minding my own business until I reached the place Frya was standing. "Bitch, I knew you had crush on my brother but fucking him on the nightover at my house, girl , you beat me up in this record!". How did she know about the sex between me and Jonathan?

She took out her phone and showed me pics of me naked and a pic in which Jonathan was fucking me. We both naked. "It got spread up in the entire college group,bitch" she started laughing maniacally. It confirmed me one thing more too. I wasn't alone that night. I started remembering and I remembered about the 3 others boys. They must have taken the pictures. Did Jonathan want these pictures so that they could spread throughout the college group? I can't believe this.

Why? Why would you do this Jonathan? I started to remember the "Orgasm" incident and what tragic chills I had when people looked at me. It's happening again.

I ran off to Jonathan. "You, motherfucking asshole!, Why did you post our pictures to everyone?!" I shouted at him. "Calm down, girl , after all you wanted to taste my dick in the first place, you would have rejected me and none of this would have happened, so blame yourself for what's happening to you, don't shout at me, you bitching hoe!, and about those pics, I didn't take them , my boys go and bark at them"...

His only saying this much and my heart was broken. I can't believe he betrayed me. Perhaps it was my fault in the first place after all. I shouldn't have fallen in love with him and made him my crush. I created my pains myself. I destroyed me myself.

The classes went fine. I wasn't paying attention to the teacher, I was thinking about all this fucked up mess I have become. He called me alot of times and asked me questions. I answered neither of them. I didn't know what to say. Imagine the first day like this. What would the rest of the days be like?

I went home, with a broken heart and inside of me was crying. Grandma and Grandpa were standing in the kitchen with a cake at the table in which "Sweet Sixteen Kiara" was written, Grandma had a knife in her hand. "Come, baby girl, let's cut the cake and make your wish".

I looked at them for a while then I ran to my room and locked it up. And fell on my bed and started crying with my face under the pillow. I could hear my grandparents saying "Kiara,open the door , darling, tell us what happened?".I became deaf to hearing their words. I kept on crying and crying all that night. I missed my Zebra and my Leopard. Why did you guys leave me? Why did you leave me alone? Why didn't I go along with you? Why?......

I wished that I just die. This was my birthday wish, grandma.....

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