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When the boys left I offered sam and Lauren some of my clothes to go to the party with so we picked out our  outfits then changed and did our makeup and hair and Natalia did the same

When the boys left I offered sam and Lauren some of my clothes to go to the party with so we picked out our  outfits then changed and did our makeup and hair and Natalia did the same

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Y/n's dress^

Natalia's dress ^

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Natalia's dress ^

Lauren's  dress ^

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Lauren's  dress ^

Sam's dress^ (with out the shoes)

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Sam's dress^ (with out the shoes)


Me and the girls were just making sum last touches to our makeup and hair when we heard a knock

Y/n: I think that's the boys

We got our stuff and headed downstairs

When the boys saw us they're mouth's went wide Open

The girls went to their boyfriend's and kiss them.. I went were Mattia was

Mattia: you look so pretty tonight

Y/n: oh so you're seeing I just look pretty tonight (folded your arms)

Mattia: no...I-I mean.....ummmm

Y/n: Haha chill I know what you mean

Mattia: oh thank God I didn't know what to reply to that

You laughed

Then we went outside of my house me,Natalia, and kairi were in Mattia's car and sam,Lauren and Diego were in Alex's car

Alex put his window down and Mattia did the same

Alex: okay guys follow me

Mattia: aight

Then Alex and Mattia put their window car back up. Then Mattia waited until Alex got out of the driveway and started to follow him. Then he put music and we were vibing


We were at Sam's place .the music was so loud. We started walking to the front door and could smell the alchohol and weed already. When we wear inside we wear greated by Sam's sister hannah then the others went to the the dance floor and started dancing. I went to the kitchen to get a drink but when I came back where all of us were but none of them were there. So I decide to go upstairs and look for them then I opened a random door and I saw.....

Kairi,Mattia,Diego,Alex,Natalia,sam and Lauren and more people sitting in a circle

Lauren: y/n we were looking for you come here ( tapping a empty space next to her )

You nod and sit were Lauren told you

Y/n: what are we playing

Sam: truth or dare

Y/n: oh okay

Lauren: y/n truth or dare

I wanted to say truth but I didn't want to look like a baby so I said

Y/n: dare

Lauren: I dare you too makeout with......

She was looking through the room

Lauren: Mattia

Y/n: i- um- fine

I looked at Mattia and he looked at me with a smirk . i just went where he was

Mattia: you don't have to do it if you don't want to yk

Y/n: no....I-I want to do it

Then i got closer and he placed his hands on my cheek and i put my hands around his neck and we makeout.

☁️wow his lips are so soft ahhhhhh I could stay like this for ever like his a really good kissser- i- umm what u seeing y/n just stfu ☁️

Diego: omg eww noo

Alex: just stop i don't want to see this shit

Then we just  pulled out of the kiss And I turned red cause I was embarrassed lmaoo

(Mattia's pov)

When y/n kissed me I wished she was My but idk I think is to early for that  And I don't want this or  whatever we have I don't want to lose it ever

(You're pov)

It was 2:00am I told mattia and the others that I wanted to leave  already. then me,kairi,mattia and Natalia went to mattia's car

*skip car ride*

We got to the house and mattia and I sleeped in my  room and kairi and Natalia in Natalia's room

You got to you're room and closed the door. Mattia went to the bathroom and change then you change .when you came out the bathroom mattia was already in bed sleeping. So you got in bed with him. Then you felt a pair of warm arms around your waist. You smile

Mattia: good night lil girl

Y/n: *giggles* good night big boy Mattia

Mattia: *laughs* night

Then we fell asleep

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