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And you saw a video of you and Carlos kissing

When you saw that you were in shook

You: I can explain!!!!

Mattia: so it's you!?

You: yess it is me.
But it was-

*Call ended*

You throw your phone across your room and scream and you started crying of how mad you were

Carlos: are you okay *he said in a raspy voice rubbing his eyes *

You: noooooo *sniff*

Carlos: what happened???

He said while he seated on you're bed

You explained what happened to him

Carlos: aw come here

He said while he opened his arms and you hug him then you pulled out of the hug

You: Carlos can you do a live with me explaining everything

Carlos: yeah of course

You: thank you

You got up from the bed and searched for your phone and when you found it you unlocked and seated everything up and you told Carlos to seat next to you and you started the live

"In the live"

You: hi babies

*then you waited until more people joined the live*

*3k people joined*

You: so hi guys I just wanted to come
In here and explain some
Stuff you guys probably know
What I'm going to talk about so let's start

You: the first thing I want to talk
Is about the emojis you guys
Posted in the comments like right now

*you and Carlos laughed*

You: there's nothing wrong
About them like they used to represent our relationship but then when we broke up I said it can represent a friendship too but some people think
Wrong and yeah so me and Carlos are going to change it

Carlos: yeah we dicided to change
It to 💛🤞🙈

Carlos: we put a yellow heart
Because they say that yellow
Hearts means friendship and we put
The other emojis because they look cute together

*you and Carlos laughed*
*and everyone started to comment

You: okay. So now let's
Put the problem of the emojis
aside and now let's talk about the tiktok room video

You: I'm not going to say it wasn't
us. Cause it is us .but that was long

Carlos: that was when we were

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