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Then the class ended and you grabbed your stuff and Robert helped you with  the baby cause the carseat was heavy ass hell

Robert: why this carseat so fucking heavy?

Alvaro: idk

You: I don't even know how people can carry that around

Then you three walked to place that you guys see  each other after school. When you saw Alejandro, Katie,  Natalia, kairi and mattia talking in a circle

(So I'm sorry for interrup but I want to say thank you too 1itt1ebabyb1ue for the idea😘🥺❤)

Then you stopped Robert and Alvaro and pull them aside

Robert&Alvaro: what happened

You: so were going .I'm going to surprise mattia so me and Alvaro are going to walk on front and you Robert at the back with baby and I am going to talk to him then I'm going to tell him to close his eyes and Robert is going to give me the baby and yeah then you guys going to see his reaction

Robert&Alvaro: okay bet

You and Alvaro started walking to the circle that they were in and you said hii to them


Everyone: hi

You: hi bebe *kiss*

Mattia: hey mi *kiss*Amor I miss you so many *kiss*

You: me too amor but now you have to close your eyes

Mattia: why?

You: just trust me plsss

Mattia: okay

Then mattia closed his eyes and you signed Robert to give you the baby and you told everybody else to not say anything. So when you had the carseat in your hands you told mattia opened his eyes

You: okay I'm going to count to three and you going to open your eyes

Mattia: okay?




Mattia opened his eyes

You: supprice here is our daughter

Mattia: hahahah omg for real

You: yeah this is our daughter for one day

Then you guys keep on talking until you had to head home and mattia went with you

*skip the car ride*

When you and mattia were at your house the baby didn't cry that much and mattia helped you to take care of her

Mattia: what's her name?

You: I don't know you name her

Mattia: mmmmm what about Angela

You: I like it

Mattia: baby?

You: yeah

Mattia: can I stay to sleep tonight?

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