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Natalia: I dare you  too jump in the pool from the roof

Alejandro: fuck noo......ok bet let's do it I'm not pussy

He did what Natalia told him to do

15 minutes later

The bottle landed on kairi

Alvaro: truth or dare

Kairi: dare

Alvaro: do seven minutes in heaven with Natalia

Kairi: k bet

They went upstairs and we put a timer and we could hear Natalia moaning we all just make a disgusting  face

7 minutes later

We shouted that the time was done so they came downstairs

You: that was nasty

Natalia: what?

You: i- nvm

Alvaro: ah I think I'm going to head home by now I have to pick up anna from her friends house

Alejandro: I'm going to go home to throw up so yeah bye

We laughed

You hugged them and they left

*1 week later*

It was almost my birthday and I was so excited but I was worried about Natalia she hasn't feel well so I was kinda scared she was pregnant cause like she is only 16 but no matter what happens I'm going to be there for her

Today I was planning to stay in bed and do nothing because mattia was in Italy and the only thing I do is hang out with him sometimes cause sometime I want to have time for my self and I know he wants time to him self too so we try to hang with each not so often

I was watching cartoon network cause like why not

(Yes I know  I know I'm I little to childish pero that's how I am don't judge me 🥺okay)

When Natalia came in my room

Natalia: sis can you go to the store with me?

You: ummm yeah? But what for?

Natalia: too......

Andrea's/ note:

Hey luvs

I'm sorry that I'm not updating how I tell you guy I would but you know only classes just stress me out cause we are not doing it like in zoom my teachers are just sending videos explaining everything but like I can focus on my work cause like I get notification from my phone and my mom yelling to my brother cause he doesn't understand his work you know what I'm talking about if you're Hispanic but anyways I'm doing the best I can

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