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Then I saw him coming with cynthia
When I saw her I literally gag

Luca: are you okay??

He said with out looking at me

Mariano: Ma are you okay?

He said while he took off his hands around my waist so I got up

You: yeah. Yeah I'm okay  I just-  luca were is the bathroom

Luca: over there

He said while pointing were it was
So I just went running to bathroom

Why was she here ugh I hate her so much like I can't if that bitch tells me something these is not going to end well 

I thought to my self then I splashed some water in my face then I  opened the door

Y/n: Mariano!!!

Mariano: yeah

Y/n: come

Mariano: k

Then he came in the bathroom

Mariano: what?

Y/n: let's make a tiktok

Mariano: k


I took my phone and we did a  tiktok

Then we looked at the door and saw mattia, luca and cynthia looking at us

You: what?

Luca: are serious y/n?

You: what? What did I do?

He came closer to me and he whispered in my ear

Luca: you left me with them what the hell

You: sowy

Mattia: what did you tell her?

Luca: that-

You: that why didn't I  tell him to make a tiktok with me

Luca: yeah but its whatever let's go out of  the bathroom and let's keep playing

*20 minutes later*


Mariano: hahahaha

Luca: ugh I hate you

You: ugh I love you

You:  I'm going to go upstairs to bring water mar do you want one?

Mariano: ah yeah thanks ma

You: and you luca?

Luca: yeah

Cynthia: I want one and mattia too

She said while she was setting
You just ignored her and went upstairs and you saw mattia's mom cooking

You: hi ma

Mrs.polibio: hi baby girl

You: hi do you want some help

Mrs.polibio: oh no it's fine

You: no no let me help just let me take this water bottle to luca and Mariano and I'll be back

Mrs.polibio: okay mija I'll wait for you

I want down stairs

You: here

I said while I gave the water to Mariano and luca

Them: thanks

Cynthia: were are our water

Mariano: so I was thinking with luca  to keep playing at his room

You: why?

Mariano: you know

He said while he looked at mattia and cynthia looking at their phones

You: oh.yeah. sure. but  I will catch  you guys later cause I'm going to help Lucas mom cook

Them: k

Then the three of us walked out of mattia's room and Mariano and luca went upstairs and I went to the kitchen

*15 minutes later*

Me and mattia's mom were cooking and talking and having s good time together when cynthia came in the kitchen

Cynthia: hi mrs.polibio

Mrs.polibio: hi. Baby girl can you pass me the salt plss

You: yeah ma

Then she left the kitchen and then a couple of minutes later her and mattia were talking in the living room

Cynthia: I'm leaving!!

Mattia: why???!!

Cynthia: cause I tried my best to get along with your brother he didn't even look at me cause she was with  that bitch y/n then I tried with your mom and is the same thing they love more y/n

Mattia: hey. Call the fuck down and don't call y/n a bitch and it's not my problem that my family like her so much and first of all why do you want them to like you if we are nothing

Cynthia: you know what I'm done I'm leaving

Mattia: yeah whatever

*skip when we were eating*

Mr.polibio: this food good

Y/n: hahha thank you but that was because of your wife cause she did the most of it I just helped a little

Then we were all talking but the one who wasn't talking much was mattia but I didn't think of it that much

*20 minutes later*

Me, lucas and Mariano were watching a movie and I was cuddling with Mariano and lucas was laying down were you put your feet in the bed

(Idk if you guys know what I'm talking about but whatever)

When mattia got in the room  he was smiling but when he saw me and Mariano cuddling his mood changed so fast

Luca: what do you want?

Mattia: our new controllers got here

Luca: no way

Mattia: yeah do you want to try them

Luca: yeah

He turned around and looked at me and Mariano

Luca: do you guys want to try them

You: oh I would love to but I have to go home cause I'm tired already and I think Mariano too

Mariano: yeah I am

Me and Mariano standed up and put our  shoes on

You: bye luca see you other day take care and know that i love you okay

Luca: okay love you too

Mariano: hey dude it was fun hanging out with you

Luca: yeah it was

Then we went downstairs and I said bye to mattia's parents

Mrs.polibio: are you going to say bye to mattia mija?

*My thoughts*



So what do you think y/n would do?

884 words

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