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(Mattia's pov)

Today is me and Y/n's 5 months. I was planning to do something very special for her so today I waked up early and started to plan the surprise. I wasn't going to text her or call her because she is to smart and she is going to know that I'm doing something for her so the first thing I wanted to do is make a reservation in the beach it was hard cause I wanted the beach to be close so me and y/n could be alone.

After hours of making deals with the manager of the beach he accepted to close the beach at 5PM. I was so excited cause everything was coming out very good then. The next thing I had to do was buy candles, flowers,chocolates, and many more stuff so I headed to target and but the things that I needed

When I finished buying the stuff I headed back to my house. Put the stuff down and told my mom to help me cook y/n's favorite food and dessert. so she was helping me it was 4:30pm  when we heard a knock on the door I looked at my mom and she looked back to me

Mattia: mama apro la porta e se è y/n  dille che non sono a casa

(Ma open the door and if it is y/n tell her I'm not home)

Mrs.polibio: va bene, tesoro

(Okay honey)

Then she left and opened the door . I just tried to listen who it was but I couldn't. Then I heard the door close and my mom entered in the kitchen with a big brown paper bag that said the polibios in the middle of the bag. That looked like y/n's handwringing

Mattia: what is this mama?

Mrs.polibio: oh some desserts that y/n made for us

I grabbed the bag and looked what it was inside it was my favorite desserts and in the plastic plate that they were in it said "for mattia happy 5 months"

I just put the desserts in the fridge and helped my mom with the food that it was almost done

Then I put  everything in plates that had tops on then I went downstairs to my room to get ready

When I was ready it was 5:30 so I got my phone when I saw my phone I had I texts and calls from y/n I felt so bad but i knew it was going to be worth it

So got my stuff and got out of the house and headed to the beach

When I was at the beach I  texted Natalia to tell y/n to get ready to go to the beach with her but to bring casual clothes on and her bikini in a bag and then I started to set up everything.

When I finished it looked like this

When I finished it looked like this

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Then when I got everything ready I told one of the guys that was going to put the food to put the food in 15 minutes then I left to my house to get the flowers and the chocolates then I went to her house

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Then when I got everything ready I told one of the guys that was going to put the food to put the food in 15 minutes then I left to my house to get the flowers and the chocolates then I went to her house.

Hey luvs

It almost the end of the book 😨

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