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[Comment wich one are you i'm curious i'm the one with the cheetos 😅 cause I don't really like that much makeup and becauseI don't do makeup yet]

*skip to Friday in the morning*

You waked up by the sound of your alarma so you turned it off and went thought tiktok,Instagram and Snapchat then you got up and went to the bathroom and did your routine an then you did your makeup and hair then you changed this

You waked up by the sound of your alarma so you turned it off and went thought tiktok,Instagram and Snapchat then you got up and went to the bathroom and did your routine an then you did your makeup and hair then you changed this

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This is how you got ready today^

Then you got your luggage and went out of your room and knocked on Natalia's door and she opened the door

Natalia: good morning sis

You:good morning

You hugged her and give her a kiss on the cheek

You: ready?

Natalia: yeah. Just let me get my luggage

You: okay. I'm going to wait for you in the car

Natalia: aight

So you went downstair ,got your keys then you went outside and but your luggage in the trunk and got in your car.

*5 minutes later*

Natalia got out of the house and she put her luggage in the trunk and then she got in the car

You: Nat do you want to go to dunking donuts? Cause it's just 7:30

Natalia: yeah let's go

You started the car and headed to dunking donuts and Natalia put some music. She put speed gang- hit the roof

You&Natalia: like babygirl, what it do?23 with a bad attitude, just trying to stick my tongue in you, so baby let's hit the roof,(ooh,ooh,ahh) just trying to stick my tongue in you. (Ooh,ooh,ahh) so baby let's hit the roof.!!!!!!

*10 minutes later*

Then you got to dunking donuts and you guys buy a ice coffee and a donut then you yous head to school

When you guys were at school You guys went were you guys and the boys and Katie hang before first period started and when they saw you guys they went and hug you guys in a group hug then you guys pulled out of the hug and seat down and talked and when you guys were talking you started to drink and eat your donut but someone snatched it from you

You: hey!!!

Then you turned around and saw Alvaro taking a bite then Alejandro,Katie and Robert

You gave death stare to them

Robert: don't get mad at us cause we know you going miss this

Alvaro: yeah . So if you say no you capping

You: okay. True but I still don't like people stealing my food tho

Katie: to bad we still going to do it

You rolled your eyes and turned around and saw Mattia drinking your ice coffee

You: Mattia polibio!!!

Mattia: yes he said a little scare

You: why you drinking my ice coffee 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Mattia: I am sorry mi amor but I know how to make you happy again

You: how

He got you're face and kiss you

You: okay fine you win

*skip to end of school that is at 3:00pm*

When you guys got out of your last class you guys went were you guys always meet after school. Then you guys headed to you're car and drive to the airport when you guys were at the airport you got out your stuff and gave the keys of your car to Mattia cause he was going to take care of it while you gone. So before leaving you and Natalia hugged everyone and then you gave a long ass kiss to mattia
And then you flight was called so you guys left and got in the plane

(So guys I want to make this clear yes you guys told your mom about leaving to lA for 2 day and she agreed)

*skip the flight*

When you guys were there you texted Alex that you guys were in LA already


Hermana🌌: Alex we are
Here already. Were tf are
You guys

Bro🌴🌴: we are here too. We are close to the coffee shop

Hermana🌌: k I'm on my
way there. But do you know
that I love you right👉👈😌

Bro🌴🌴: what do you
want y/n?😒

Hermana🌌: ammmm. Ice coffee
👉👈🥺 for me and nat

Bro🌴🌴: omg y/n you and
You're pinche ice coffee.
But fine I will buy you one

Hermana🌌: YAY!!!

753 words

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