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I waked up by the sound of my phone. Someone was calling me I just strached my harm and got my phone from my night desk and I looked at my phone and it said

In coming call from "Bro🌴🌴"
Answer   decline

*In the call*

You: Alo?

Alex and Diego: good morning  Feliz cumpleaños wr6 love you so much

You: aww thank you guys.you guys remembered I love you guys too

Alex: how would we not remember our  little sister birthday .come on

You: *laughed*  what are you guys  doing awake so early

Diego: we are filming a video. By the way say hi to YouTube

You: Hello YouTube subscribe to this channel and like this video for my birthday and if this video gets 100 likes I will make a video whit this ugly asses

Alex: you already heard her like this video. But anyways have a great day today sis we love you

You: bye

*end of call*


ended the call and put my phone in the night desk and turned to mattia and cuddle him

Mattia: who were you talking to baby this early? *raspy voice*

You: my brothers

Mattia: oh

Then we fell as sleep again


I wake up by the sound of my alarm I was traing to get up but mattia was cuddling me so tightly

You: baby I have to get up

Mattia: no you ain't getting up

You: you sure about that?

I said while I grabbed his face

Mattia: yeah

I learned and I kiss him and he moved his hands to my face so I got up from bed

You: I thought you said I wasn't going to get up

Mattia: that's not fair you cheated you didn't suppose to do that

You: to bad to sad

I said while I got in the bathroom and I did my morning routine then I changed to a long sleeve brown shirt and some dark blue ripped jeans and then I did my makeup and straightened my hair when I finished doing that I got out of the bathroom and saw mattia watching TV

Mattia: you look sexy mama's. All that for who and for what?

You:thank you  I just wanted to look good today for my birthday

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