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Mattia came out of the bathroom ready already so we got our stuff and we headed down stairs

Mattia: babe what time is it?

I got my phone out and I turned it on

You: it's 7:25am

Mattia: okay thanks

You: why you asking amor?

Mattia: I just want to know cause I will buy you something

You: what is it?

Mattia: ice coffee

You: yay

I said while kiss him

I cooked something quick for Natalia and I told her to come down and eat

Then we got out of the house and we drove to Dunkin donuts and he buy me my ice coffee but then I wasn't going to be mean so I but more ice coffees for the boys but mattia ended up paying so he basically buy them maybe your wandering why the boys and not fo katie so Katie was talking to Alejandro but then katie moved to new York so Alejandro didn't wanted a relationship at the moment and he didn't want a long distance relationship but they ended up stuff

Then we got to school and we walk were we always hang out and I saw the boys they had some purple bags and boxes I was a little confused why so when we got closer they screamed


I put the ice coffees on the table and they hugged me and then they have me the presents

Y/n: awe thank you guys. You guys didn't have to I told you guys that it didn't matter if you didn't give me anything cause having you guys friendship is the best present that I have

*skip to when the classes ended*

Me and the boy were hanging out were we hang out every day after school when this girl came

???: hey guys

The boys: heyy taylor

Taylor: I think you are the famous y/n right?

You: yeah I guess?

Taylor: this boys just talk about you.....but good things doe

You: hahha fr?

And we talked more and we got know each other we saw that we had something in common and she looked like a pretty good girl I think will be pretty good friends and we gave each other numbers and socials

I was going to do a family dinner for my birthday then a little party with just close friends. when I say family is the boys family are coming I consider the boys and their families as my family so I saw that taylor was a pretty good girl so I dicided to invite her to the little party

You: taylor I was wandering if you wanted to come to the little party that I'm making today?

Taylor: oh yeah I will love too

*skip to the family dinner*

*skip to the family dinner*

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(This Is your fit)

We were all in table talking about random stuff. I didn't cook at all because the boys mom's bring their food it was fun cause we had Italian food, Costa Rican food, Japanese food, Peruvian food and Arabic food we all passed time like we were all a family. Like even the dogs came miguel came and Alvaro's dog too

They bring them cause they love me but they had to take them outside because of Alvaro he doesn't get along with miguel so sadly we have to take them outside I get along with miguel cause all my life I have vine live with a pitbull and they are playful like believe it or not they are playing if they bite you so miguel is almost like a pitbull he just plays to rough

(That's fact about me heheh🙃but anyways this is not about me)

then it was like 6:00and they boys parents and siblings were leaving when they left taylor came and we all have a great time

Hey beautiful girls 😘

I think all of you guys are girls🤔🤔🤔but anyways just comment if you're a boy or a girl

I know this wasn't good at all but I just don't have ideas

But yeah see you guy's in the next CHAPTER

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