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????: no no it's me Mariano

When I heard that he was Mariano I opened my eyes and I saw him still in the same position

You: omg it's fr you? What are you doing in here?

Mariano: yess it's me the one and only Mariano Castano and I'm here because Nat told me what happened to you and she was so worried about you so I told her to stay and that I will come to see if you were okay so she gave me her keys and here I am

You: omg I'm so happy you're here

Mariano: I'm sorry for waking you up

You: no.no it's okay but let's get back to sleep cause idk maybe it's so late

Mariano: yeah it's almost 4am I think

^I dicided to cuddle with him like this

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I dicided to cuddle with him like this

You: good night Mar

Mariano: good night Ma

Then we both fell fast as sleep

*the next morning*
*it's Sunday by the way*

I waked up by the light of the sun shining on my face and me and Mariano were still in the same position as we sleep last night I stretched my arm to get my phone from my night desk and saw I it was dead so i got Mariano's phone and checked the time and it was 10:45am then I put his phone back and started shaking him to wake up

You: Mar *shake him* Mar *shaking him*

Mariano: mhm what happened *in a raspy voice*

You: get up lazy ass let's go eat breakfast

I got up from the bed and started to get my clothe out of my closet

Mariano: what are you going to make for breakfast?

He said while he got up from the bed and went to his luggage to take his tooth brush and a towel and his clothe

You: I'm going to make pancakes

Mariano: okay

Mariano said while he got in the bathroom

You: wait Mariano

Mariano: yeah

You: are going to shower?

Mariano: yeah why

You: cause I was going to shower

Mariano: oh to bad cause I got to the bathroom first and you take 5 years in the bathroom and I only take like 10 minutes

You: okay whatever go shower

Then Mariano closed the door and looked the door of the bathroom so I already had my outfit ready so I just remembered that my phone was dead so I went to charge it and wen I turned it on I had a lot of calls from mattia and massege to but I just ignored them I didn't want to start my morning getting mad. When Mariano got out of the bathroom I got in and showered and then a changed to my outfit

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