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Kairi: I'm going to be a dad and I'm only 17

He say running a hand through his hair and Natalia just turned to me and started to tear up and she hug me

Kairi: I'm having a baby with the girl that love IM GOING TO BE A DAD !!!

the boys went and hug him and then Natalia went and hug him

*1 hour later*

We were still talking about how kairi was going to tell his mom and everything but we know that KAIRI'S mom is just going to get mad when they tell her then she is going to be cool about it. Then they dicided that they were going to tell her today so Natalia went to get ready and wen she came downstairs she went to kairis house. The boys left to so it was just me and mattia we went to my room and we watched Movies.

*1 week later*

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