Chapter 15: Final

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They're never going to stop... They're going to kill you, no matter what happens to them. As soon as you are dead, they can live on, knowing that they have hurt me as much as they possibly could. You have to stop them before it is too late...

I thought I heard Marian's voice ring inside my head. What she said was possibly true though. Gregory and Mrs. Lucile have escaped from the restaurant, but did they escape from the police? I was hoping that they didn't. I was hoping that the cops have shot them or knocked them out and took them to prison for life. But if Marian's voice rang inside my head saying that I had to stop them before it is too late, then that means the exact opposite has happened and they have escaped the authorities once again.

I opened my eyes and saw the decorations from Graduation. I'm still here?

I sat up and realised that it was a mistake. For a moment I was blind and the world around me started to spin crazily.

"Oh good, you're alive," Hortensia's voice exclaimed. I jumped out of my skin as I heard her voice. Then I felt relief wash over me.

"Why are you still here? Didn't you run off to save your own life?" I asked.

Hort shook her head. "I told mum that I wanted to stay by your side until I know if you're okay," she explained.

"Thanks," I groaned. "And I also want to thank you for saving my life last night. You know, when you strangled the gun man." The dizziness and the blindness subsided and I could see the world normally again. "Did Shane stay here as well?" I started to have my doubts. Did Shane leave to make sure that he lives?

"Yes he did. He is still asleep by the food table," Hortensia replied. More relief washed over me.

"Who is here still?" I asked.

"It is me, you, your mum, Gerald, Liam and Shane. The teachers and other students ran for their lives as soon as the murderers left," Hortensia explained.

"Did they escape from the police?" I asked hopefully. I looked at my best friend and saw that she shook her head.

"They had to kill at least two cops before they were able to make it to their own car and drive off," she explained. I groaned in disbelief. They really weren't going to stop. Now the question was: where are they hiding now?

"Kristy, why were they after you and your family?" Hortensia asked.

"It's a long story," I replied.

"I don't care. If Marian Lorvi is linked with all of this then I want to know. I have been investigating with you, I deserve to know," Hortensia snapped at me.

I jumped at her sudden outburst. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry, please forgive me," I exclaimed.

Hortensia nodded and didn't say anything.

I told my best friend the whole story. I told her about how Marian died, how Hortensia brought her back to Earth so she could get her revenge on Mrs. Lucile and Gregory. I told her why I couldn't remember my tenth birthday, and why Hortensia was at the wrong place (which, to this very day, I'm so happy that Mum lost Hortensia's phone number). Lastly, I told her about the diary and how Mrs. Lucile and Gregory discovered that I found it, so now they're trying to silence my family and me so I couldn't tell the police about who they really are.

Hortensia was wide eyed and she gaped at me by the end of the story.

"So... our own teacher who we've had nearly all year, is out to get you and your family, so they can silence you?" she asked.

I nodded slowly and sadly. "Unless there is a way to stop them," I said, hoping that it might somehow make me feel better about this situation.

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