Chapter 9: Wagging

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After Mrs. Menders dropped me off home, I said my thanks, good-byes and walked inside. Mum was shocked by my sudden appearance. What made her even more shocked was how red my eyes were.

"Was the movie sad or something?" Mum asked.

I shook my head. "I'll explain later, but what I need now is some sleep," I croaked.

Mum nodded and let me walk to my room in silence. I collapsed onto my bed and drifted off.

I woke up the next Sunday morning. All was silent and calm. My pillow was damp (no need to explain why).

I had no dream last night; just a whole evening of being in the dark.

I got out of bed and made my way to the lounge room. Gerald and Liam were lying on the pull-out bed that usually is packed away under the couch. I sat in one of the single couches and stared at the TV screen. It was blank, boring and dull.

Mum's bedroom door opened and I saw her walk out. She walked towards me.

"Mrs. Menders called me last night," she said.

"So now you know what happened?" I asked.

Mum nodded. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Awful," I replied.

"The school called up as well. Mrs. Wrench said that the school is holding a ceremony tomorrow for the passing of Dean and Caleb. Do you want to go?" Mum asked.

I nodded. "I'd like to pay my respects," I sniffled.

Mum sighed and sat on the arm rest of the chair I was sitting on. We looked at each other and she hugged me.

Nothing happened for the rest of Sunday, all I did was lie in my room or have small talk with Gerald and Liam. They keep on asking, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong," I lied. "I'm just very tired." Then they'd leave me alone.

By night time I went to bed. Mum walked into my room with two capsules in her hand and a glass of water.

"What are those?" I asked, pointing to the capsules.

"Sleeping pills," Mum replied. "Just in case if you get restless during the night.

She placed the pills and the water on my bedside table. Then she gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked out of the room, leaving me in peace.

I shut my eyes for the next two hours, but I didn't dream and my eyes didn't feel heavy with tiredness. So I sat up and felt around for the capsules. They were easy to find, and so was the glass of water.

I put the two pills in my mouth, and then I washed it down with the water. I put the glass back on the bedside table and lay back down.

Within twenty minutes, I was out like a light.

I woke up on my own. I could tell it was pretty early because I couldn't see the sun rising over the horizon yet.

I hopped out of bed, grabbed my school uniform then made my way to the bathroom. I put the clothes on the bathroom bench. Afterwards I put the plug in the drain and started to fill the tub with hot water.

I stripped off and got into the bathtub. After turning off the tap, I lie on my back and shut my eyes. Everything was peaceful and warm. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, and then I heard Mum's voice call from the other side of the door, "Kristen, is that you?"

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