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1 semaine plus tard

Today ,c'est l'anniversaire de ma sœur Chelsea et bref comme elle est à l'université elle voulait faire ça en grand .
Elle a fait une fête et forcément ,elle a invité tout le monde ,tous les gens qu'elle connaît de West Midlands de Londres, de Leicester ,de partout et elle a loué une salle elle a fait une bête de fête, oh my days, je peux même pas vous expliquer tellement c'est bien.
J'imagine que vous vous en doutez ,je n'ai pas parlé à Kingsley depuis l'autre fois et je vis ma meilleure vie avec mon Mike .

At the party

A : Mike What are you doing here ?
- Oh you know Chelsea ?
- Yeah i know her ,she's one of my best friend ,how do you know her ?
- She was my ex wife's friend ... that's weird ... but she's become a good friend of mine so that's why I'm here ! London is so small.
- I see ,and yeah that's so weird.

Bref on s'est fait un hug . Et il est parti .

C : Annie ,go upstairs ,someone wants to talk to you, quickly.

Je suis allée et là ya Kingsley, il s'arrêtera donc jamais.

A : What do you want Kingsley ? What do you want from me ?
K : I want you ,I love you Annie .
- Oh my fucking days. Kingsley ,I told you . I like you ,I've been loving you for a whole year but ... it's over, finished , done .

Il s'est mis à genou et il a ouvert une boîte avec une bague et c'était une bague avec un diamant dessus ,elle était si belle ...
Une larme a coulé de mon visage .
Il veut me rendre folle ce garçon c'est incroyable.

K: I know ,I'm not perfect ,but I love you . I've changed and ,I will treat you like a queen, like you deserve to be treated.
This ring means everything to me . It was my mom's ... as you know she's not here  today ,probably in Jamaica smoking weed and stuff like that but anyway ... it's not the point.
Please ,would you like to be my girlfriend and after if you want I will marry you ...
- Kingsley ...
- Don't say no ,Annie ,you can't say no.
- Do you think you're going to ... to get me back with gold and diamonds ? You've broken my heart, shattered it into millions of pieces. I've been loving you and suffering for one whole year ,I gave you my virginity and you didn't care . Now ,I've found someone who loves me , protects me, and you want me back because you just don't support that the fact that I'm not yours anymore.
- He's a liar ... why would you trust a man you've known for 1 month ? And if you date him your body count will be 3.
- I don't care because ,he's going to be the last one ,on my body count .
Because he wanna marry me, he's not a kid ,he knows what's he wants from me. He's not like you Kingsley.
- Please ,don't say that ...
How can you say that .
You've known him for one fucking month Annie.
- And ?
- You can't marry him , you don't even know him, like ... he's a foreigner.
- Why do you care ?
You have a baby and a baby mama to take care of ,let me have my own baby and my own baby daddy. Lemme live my life.
- What are you trying to do ? To break my heart ?
- What ?
- You played with me ,you told me you wanted us to be sex friends and maybe it would change , you gave me hope and now you're spitting on my fucking face.
- I said maybe ,if I had feelings  and I didn't !
Actually , I don't .
I loved you Kingsley ... I did ... but I don't do anymore ... I do love you but I just want peace ...

Sorry .

Et je suis partie .

Je pense que ce chapitre est une croix  définitive sur notre relation  ,et je pense qu'il doit passer à autres chose .

Son père en plus apparement aime bien Shirley ,j'ai plus ma place auprès de lui et il n'a plus sa place auprès de moi.

Nous ne sommes plus faits pour être ensembles, ça se prouve on a jamais été fait pour l'être mais on forçait.

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