3 | Secrets & Exes

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"So how are we gonna keep this a secret", I ask Lucas as we're brushing our teeth for school.

"We just don't tell anyone and I'll try to be alone with you more so we can actually be a couple without the stress from everyone", Lucas says.

"Good plan. I don't want to draw attention", I say and spit my toothpaste out my mouth.

"How is us dating gonna draw attention", Lucas asks.

"Bitch you're the most popular guy at school, you choose to date me, then your fan girls will beat my ass", I say.

"You have a point", Lucas chuckles. I punch his arm playfully then wash my mouth.

After Lucas got ready, we drove to my house to get me clothes for school.

"We still didn't eat", Lucas whines. I chuckle "we'll eat at my house."

We pull into my driveway and my mom was still not home. I unlock the front door and feed my dogs when I got home.

"What's up buddy", Lucas says when the dogs run up to him excitedly.

I smile and go upstairs to change and get ready for school. I put a black spaghetti strap top on, jean jacket and jean shorts. I apply some light makeup and put my white air forces on. I quickly put my hair into a messy bun and put jewelry on.

I walk downstairs and immediately hear Lucas scream "DAAAAMN". I laugh and sit next to Lucas and the dogs on the couch.

"You look fine as hell today, PERIODT", Lucas says and I laugh hysterically. "Thank youuu", I say happily and kiss his cheek then wipe the lipstick off him.

"You had to do that", he says wiping his cheek where I kissed him. "Yes", I giggle. I take the dogs outside and make sure they have food and water before grabbing my backpack and leaving my house.

About three minutes into the drive Lucas groans sadly "we didn't get foooood!" I laugh "stop by a donut shop, we have time."

His face lights up "donuts sound good right now." I laugh and play music that we both actually like.

We stop at Starbucks and get drinks then go to Dukin' Donuts and I get a glaze donut and tiny glaze donut holes to share with Lucas.

"Can I please pay", I whine. "Nope", he says and hands his card to the drive thru worker. I cross my arms grumpily "I can pay for my food you know that right", I say as Lucas gets the donuts from the worker.

"I know but as your boyfriend, I pay for your food so I'm not a douche. Now be happy you got donuts, damn", Lucas says and chuckles.

I grab the donuts from him and thank him by kissing his cheek. "Oh come on!" Lucas wipes his cheek again getting irritated. "You could've just gone with chapstick bruh", he says irritatedly. I laugh "love you too."

We scream our lungs off to music while we eat out donuts and drive to school. Our friends were meeting us in the senior quad. While we were walking down the hallway we greeted so many damn people. Whenever I'm around Lucas we get a ton of people coming up to us and saying hi. Why does Lucas have to be so know at school? I don't mind it but I just don't like some of these people at school.

I feed Lucas a donut whole and with a full mouth he thanks me. "Your welcome", I say and laugh.

Lucas had gotten side tracked by talking to some cheerleaders. I roll my eyes at how much those girls were drooling over him. Lucas keeps his distance from them. Luckily we see Anthony in the halls before one of the girls tried touching him. We rush to Anthony and thank him for getting us away from the cheerleaders.

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