17 | Cat fights

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"Hola mamà", I say when I walk in to my mom's hospital room. It seems like I haven't spoke Spanish in for ever since my mom wasn't around.

"Hola hermosa como estas", my mom says which meant his beautiful how are you'.

I smile "I'm good."

The nurse walks in "I'm here to give you're mom some pain killers because she been having headaches."

"Aww I hope you feel better mom", I pout.

"Thanks sweetie. Don't you have school today", my mom asks.

I check the time on my phone "school starts in an hour so I'll stay here with you for a bit. I have to take Uber to school."

"Okay. Quien te llevará a casa", my mom asks me who was going to take me home.

"Probably Lucas", I answer. The nurse gives my mom a pill for her headache and she drinks water.

"How is he", my mom asks.

"Pretty good. He missed you though and he's always worrying about you", I say.

"Aww, I love that boy. He seems so good for you", my mom says with a cheeky smile.

I didn't know if it was the right time to tell her that me and Lucas are dating but I was glad she liked him so I figured I might as well tell her.

"Yeah mom, about Lucas..me and him are uh..", I start getting nervous "me and Lucas are dating."

"Oh Dios mío", meaning 'oh my god' "really?!" My mom seems really happy about that so that put me at ease "yeah. We've had some ups and downs but have been dating for almost a month."

"Aww Sabrina, that's so great. You should've told me earlier", my mom says still smiling.

"It was never the right time. I just didn't want to add to everything you're already dealing with", I explain to her.

"Aww nena, siempre puedes decirme cualquier cosa", my mom says meaning your can always tell me anything'.

I felt my heart become warm "Gracias mamá", I thank her and kiss her forehead.

I check the time "I've got to go to school but I'll try to come see you sometime this week. I might be busy with work."

"Okay babe. Love you mamas", my mom smiles.

"Love you too."

I get to school around 7:30 and see Lucas's truck with him and Anthony talking like normal friends. My heart drops when they give each other and bro handshake and hug.

No fucking way. This is the best day ever. I think to myself excitedly as I get out the Uber. I quickly walk up to them and Lucas hugs me.

"Everything good", I ask excitedly.

They both nod and I squeal like a child "thank god."

We walk to Anthony's locker first and for a reason all three of us obviously knew, we got stares from a lot of people. I guess a lot of people saw the video of me and Anthony at Chris's party. I was gonna have to get ready for a long and excruciating day.

"How is she just with both of them", I hear a girl whisper loudly to one of her friends like I couldn't hear them.

I scoff and ignore them then Anthony goes off with some of his other friends and Lucas and I hold hands and walk to our lockers by each other.

When I get to my locker I see a big crowd of people around it laughing and saying rude stuff. I was really confused at first but when I got stares as I pushed everyone away from my locker so I could get through, I was about to break into tears.

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