5 | Tears & Lies

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"Bitch you better stop fucking crying", Laura yells at me when she saw me sitting on the floor and laying against my locker.

"I'm just scared for my mom", I say and wipe my tears. "Hey guys-woah, Girl you better get yo ass of the floor and pick your damn crown up", Anthony says while clapping his hands dramatically.

"Guys I'm fine", I say and continue to sniff and wipe my tears. Austin finds us "oh no honey boo. Your mom will be okay sis! Stop crying", Austin fake cries with me.

I laugh "I love you guys." I hug them and Skylar scares us by sneaking up behind us.

"Good morning guys!" Skylar says. "Morning", I say unenthusiastically.

"Aww", Skylar says when she saw me crying "you poor girl. Your mom is gonna be okay. I'm always here for you babe. I love you bestie", Skylar says and hugs me tightly. Her warm hug and vanilla scent made me feel a lot better.

"Thanks Sky", I say.

"Where's your boo", Austin asks.

"With some of his friends. Don't worry I made him leave me here because I just wanted to be alone but you guys make everything better", I smile.

    The girls and I walk together and the guys went to talk with some of their other friends.

"I feel like it hasn't been just us in forever", Skylar pouts.

"Ugh I know right", I whine "we should have a girls day. It'll take our minds off everything and we deserve it."

"Ugh I'd love that. I need a break from school. We're only a week into school and I already hate it", Laura groans.

"Tell me about it", I say and we laugh.

   We walk into our first period class and I don't see Lucas. Where the hell was he? I hadn't seen him since he walked me to my locker before school. Ugh, here comes my worried ass about to go ditch first period to find him.

   I ask my friends if they've seen Lucas and I practically choke when one of Lucas's popular friends tell me he was with Aria.

"Oh shiiiit", Anthony says when he hears him say that. I hit Anthony in the stomach "shut your ass up", I say annoyed. When the teacher sits at her desk I quickly take my phone out and text Lucas.

Me: where the fuck are you?

Lucas: with some of my boys. Why?

Me: why aren't you in class??

Lucas: I don't want to be. Relax

Me: what "boys" are you with then

   This asshole has the audacity to leave me on read for almost twenty minutes. I swear I'm  kill him as soon as I see him.

   Finally he replies. God it's not that hard to reply bitch.

Lucas: Timothy, Aiden, and Byron

Me: where

Lucas: why do you have to know??

Me: oh i don't know because u randomly decided to ditch class after I haven't seen you since I let you leave me 😑

Lucas: babe relax we're just in the bathroom

Me: Lucas I swear to god if you are doing what I think you're doing I'm gonna beat your ass. One of your boys saw you with aria this morning and told me. Explain bitch

Lucas: she was talking to ME. What was I supposed to do

Me: hmm, tough question. YOU LEAVE

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