45 | Birthday Bash

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"Get yo ass up and get ready!" Skylar and Laura yell at me through the phone. They had waken me up by calling me a billion times at 7 in the damn morning.

"For what?!" I ask grumpily. "I can't tell you. Dress nice birthday girl and meet us at Chris's house." Laura says. I groan "it's 7 in the fucking morning. Are y'all throwing a party or something?" I ask.

Laura and Skylar start yelling at me "just get dressed and meet us at Chris's house at 1 o'clock" Skylar says. I sigh "fine. See you there." I go sleep for another three hours because I was exhausted and lazy and didn't need to get ready till around 11 AM.

Who do they think they are?! I do not take that long to get ready.

I wake up to the treacherous sound of my alarm. I groan and turn the alarm on my phone off then throw it on the bed. I unwillingly drag myself out of bed and go to wash up in the bathroom. I take a warm shower to wake me up then change into sweatpants and Lucas's yellow hoodie he gave to me on Tuesday at the game.

I blow dry my wavy hair then straighten it and curl the ends. I spend twenty minutes trying to figure out what to wear. I gave up and called Skylar.

"What am I supposed to wear?!" I ask Skylar when she answers. "Something cute, not too formal but not something fancy. Just wear a cute birthday outfit. I'll send you what me and Laura are wearing", Skylar says.

"Ugh fine", I say and hang up. A couple seconds later I get a text from Laura saying to bring a swimsuit and towel.

They make it so damn obvious. I think to myself and giggle. Laura and Sky were wearing cute casual part outfits so I decided on wearing a bikini then putting a white top and aight pink and blue plaid skirt over it.

 Laura and Sky were wearing cute casual part outfits so I decided on wearing a bikini then putting a white top and aight pink and blue plaid skirt over it

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"Are you done yet bitch?!" Austin asks when I answer the phone

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"Are you done yet bitch?!" Austin asks when I answer the phone. I groan "I'm almost done! Y'all needa stop rushing me!"

I put some lip gloss on and curl my eyelashes then put my custom Nike air forces on and a gold necklace with a small heart on the chain.

"Happy birthday Bri", Marcus says when I walk into the kitchen. His voice making me jump because I didn't know anyone was up.

"Thanks", I said. "I'll see you later", I say and grab a banana to eat on the way. I take my skateboard to Chris's house because it was less than ten minutes away from my house.

When I get to a stoplight I text Skylar that I'm on my way. Once I get there I see a ton of cars parked on the street and Chris's driveway.

Yup, definitely a birthday party. I love my idiot friends. I chuckle and go inside. I walk in to a ton of people from school dancing.

Yup, a normal teen birthday party. It was glow in the dark theme, just like I wanted it. The blinds were closed and it wasn't that dark since it was still daytime. People were wearing glow in the dark brackets and necklaces. There were people cheering and yelling happy birthday when I walked in. I thanked them then went to find my friends. Soon enough, I found them obviously playing ping pong and yelling at each other like complete idiots.

"Sabrina!" Charlotte tells when I walk into the backyard. I smile and the girls rush up to hug me. "Hi guys", I giggle.

"You like it?" Lucas says as hugs me from behind. I nod "yeah. It's really cool. Just like I want it", I smile and kiss Lucas's jawline because I was too short to reach his face.

   I join in on ping pong then the guys tell us to get our swimsuits so we ask them why but they walk away. We take the clothes over our swimsuit off and the guys come running up to us while screaming like gorillas. It was hilarious. Lucas picked me up and threw me over his good shoulder. Austin picked up Laura and put her over his shoulder. Then Chris picked Charlotte up. Brandon picked Maddie up and Byron picked Skylar up. We were all laughing out asses off as they jogged to the pool. They all counted to three the three us into the pool as we were screaming hysterically.

"You assholes!" Charlotte yells at them then laughs. The guys jump into the pool with us, splashing us everywhere. I wrap my arms around Lucas's waist and look up at him "how's your shoulder?" Lucas nods "it got a lot better. The wound doesn't hurt anymore and it's starting to close."

I pout "that's great love." Lucas smiles then cups my cheek with his hand and kisses me. One thing leads to another and we start kissing for a while until our dumb ass friends decide to ruin the moment and shoot us with water guns.

"Bitches!" Lucas yells jokingly at them. We start play fighting with each other while I laugh my ass off. I was actually having fun. It felt great because it was the first time I've genuinely smiled since Anthony passed away and thankfully Skylar captured the moment with her camera.

We played chicken fight for about half an hour then we started swimming in a race, girls against boys. I was having a lot of fun and it made me so grateful for my friends. I was planning on canceling my birthday party but they didn't let that happen.

"I love you Sabrina!" My friends scream and scare me as I'm sitting on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water, on my phone. Lucas quickly snatched my phone then they push me in the pool. I get above water and laugh "Happy birthday bitch!" All of them yell making me smile.

"Thank you bitches!" I joke and laugh. I get out the pool and Lucas wraps his arm around me "having fun?" I nod and smile "yeah. I haven't had fun like this in a while. I've been so sad but this made me feel a lot better."


"...Happy birthday to you!" Everyone at the party finishes singing. I laugh and blow out the candles and they all cheer happily. I thank them and my friends come and hug me. I kiss Lucas on the cheek and Skylar takes a ton of pictures of us by the cake then gets someone else to do she could get in.

"Happy birthday princess", Lucas whispers in my ear so I could hear over all the people cheering loudly. I smile at him and say in his ear "thank you."

"What's up lil' sis?!" Sofia scares me from behind. I laugh and hug her "thank you for coming!" I say happily. "Anything for my sis", she says and giggles.


"Jesus Christ I'm exhausted and drunk", I say once I get into Lucas's car with my skateboard and he drives me home while holding my hand the whole way there.

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