22 | Grudges

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Sabrina's POV

I wake up to the feeling of a rough and big cold hand rubbing my cheek softly. Startled, I quickly open my eyes to see the same man from the beach. God, I really need to figure out his name.

"Good morning sunshine", the guy says with an evil grin on his face. I study him a bit harder to see that he has some tattoos, is hard as a rock and seems around my age.

"If you're gonna keep me here can I at least know you're name", I ask irritatedly from him touching me.

He grins "Cole." I roll my eyes in disgust and he softly grabs my neck, giving me fearful chills.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, if you do as I say. See there's this girl that I want, that girl is you. Me and Lucas go way back, we used to be old friends in 8th grade until he started getting all popular and turned into what you guys think is a 'bad boy.' He decided he wasn't going to be friends with me because I was 'too obsessed with you.' So I did the only thing I could do, I got revenge. Now I have his precious girlfriend who is going to obey me or there's gonna be consequences", Cole says sternly making me shiver in fear.

"You went to our middle school", I ask in confusion.

He chuckles "I was the shy kid who nobody ever notices. Of course the guys were all over you so I never got one chance to talk to you. Now your friends notice me and will do whatever they can to get you back."

"Wait- Cole Davison..? Of course I remember you. You were the one who broke up the fight between Anthony and this other kid, Sebastian", I say finally remembering him. It was all kind of a blur since it happened five years ago.

"Hmh, seems to be the only thing I'm known for. Sebastian almost punched you in the face when you tried to get Anthony away so that got me mad and I broke up the fight", Cole explains you me and I remember nearly being punched in the nose by Sebastian.

"Thanks but why do you hold grudges from five years ago", I ask him.

"Because, I had a huge crush on you and kept it to myself and when Lucas decided to be my friend again he would never stop talking about you. Every time I tried to change the subject, he'd change it back to you. Now you guys are dating and all happy so I'm here to rest his loyalty. I never believed Lucas could have feelings for a good girl like you. He's pathetic", Cole scoffs making me angry.

"Don't talk about him like that! That's my boyfriend! I don't give a fuck about what happened five years ago and I don't give a fuck if you're still mad, that doesn't give y out a right to just punch me then take me here", I yell at Cole.

He turns around with anger in his face then grabs my wrist tightly "listen here angel, that asshole doesn't deserve to be with you. After everything I did, I deserve to be with you, not him."

I get out of his grasp and slap him as hard as I can giving him a red mark "I'm not your angel you bitch", I lift both legs up and kick him where it hurts.

He groans in pain and I huff angrily "let me go or you'll be sorry."

He chuckles still in pain "that's not happening. Not until you break up with Lucas and be with me."

"You're crazy if you think that's gonna happen", I argue.

Cole quickly grabs my neck tightly, choking me "I'm not crazy. I love you."

I gasp for air "you can't love a person you never knew bitch." He let's go of my neck and I gasp in relief.

"Listen I got work at 7 AM tomorrow and I need to go visit my mom, take care of my dogs, clean the house, do homework, and go to the gym", I tell Cole a couple minutes later "I got shit to do so what's it going to take for you to let me go?"

Cole grins evilly "a kiss."


"A kiss for a minute or you're not leaving."

I shake my head "nope."

"Fine then, you're not leaving."

I chuckle "just wait for my friends to get here."

Austin's POV

"She what?!" I was on the phone with Lucas and he was explaining to me about what happen with Sabrina at the beach.

"See now why the fuck would you have beef with a psycho", I yell through the phone at Lucas.

"Bitch I don't fucking know! He has beef with me! I never did shit", Lucas argues.

"Where is she", I ask angrily.

"Cole's place. I got a friend who tracked where Cole's phone was. I'm going to head out right now after the girls meet us at my house" Lucas explains to me.

"Okay. I'll be there in ten", I tell Lucas.

"Woah, woah, no way. You're gonna get hurt, I'm not letting anyone go. I'm going alone", Lucas says.

I chuckle sarcastically "I think the fuck not bitch. I'm going wether you like it or not, she may be your girlfriend but she's my best friend."

Lucas's POV

Austin tried to argue with me to come with me to Cole's house but before I could say anything back he hangs up.

I groan angrily "sometimes I wanna punch that bitch in the throat."

"Hey, take it easy bruh. He's Austin, that's how he is. And you really thought you were going alone", Anthony chuckles "you thought wrong. Austin and I are coming with you", Anthony says sternly.

I huff angrily "fine."

"When y'all leaving", Charlotte asks when she walks into the house with the other girls and Sabrina's dogs.

"Right now. Grab your stuff Tony", I rush Anthony.

"Take care of the dogs", Anthony tells us then pets them quickly "and my parents won't be home till 8 PM, they're taking a night out. My sister's friend's mom is dropping her off here, she won't ask questions if there's dogs so keep her occupied with them, bye", I add quickly before Anthony and I walk out the door.

Anthony and I get into the car quickly and turn the GPS on "I'm going to beat the shit out of that bitch."

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