11 | Idiots & Anger

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"Your boyfriend better back of Jayden", Ari says angrily when I'm closing my locker.

"Oh I'm sorry idiot but weren't both of them fighting each other?"

She scoffs "you're just lucky I don't have the time to pull your hair out."

"Bitch you're just lucky I don't punch you in the throat and you cough so hard people are gonna think your got corona", I say fiercely and slam my locker then walk away.

"I can't stand that idiot", I say angrily when I sit down with Anthony in 5th period

"Who? I'm lost", Anthony says in confusion.

"Aria", I say like he was supposed to know

"Why were you talking to Aria?!"

"Hey, she came up to me. Why the fuck would I want to talk to that bitch", I say and scoff.

   Anthony and I do our work and Austin comes in fifteen minutes with an office pass. He signals that he'll text me to explain where he was.

I quickly pull my phone out and hide it with a book. Anthony looks over my shoulder and a couple seconds later we get a text from Austin I was in the office. They were asking more about Jayden seeing Aria and Lucas at the mall and asking some more background information and my thoughts on why Jayden started dating Aria and why both of them were having so much beef about it.

I type a quick reply damn. Those two idiots are in so much trouble. They're gonna be suspended for a week 🙄

Austin replies quickly give u more info later I don't wanna get my phone taken.

I read the text then make sure Anthony read them and put my phone in my back pocket.


Anthony meets me by my locker after school and I put my books away then walk with him to his car. Both Jayden and Lucas had just gotten out of the police station and we ere meeting Lucas outside because he had to come back to get his car.

"Holy shit", I say when I see how best up Lucas was. I quickly walk up to him and put my hand softly on his cheek trying to to hurt him. He had a big cut on his cheek, his bottom lip was scabbed from bleeding, his jawline was really bruised and his hand was sprained. He had wrap around his hand.

I started to get teary and let a tear fall from my eyes and down my cheek "why did you have to get so mad?" My voice cracks and Lucas looks up in shock "because of the things he said about you."

"Imma give y'all some time alone.." Anthony quickly says and walks to his car.

"That doesn't make it okay to punch Jayden", I say and tears continue to run down my cheeks.

"Why do you care about that douche so much?!"

I scoff "I don't. I never said I did. I care about you. I want you to be safe. All you do is get into fights when you get mad. Violence isn't the answer to everything Luke!"

"He didn't have the right to say all that shit about you behind your back and in front of me", Lucas says getting angry.

"You could've ignored it Lucas! You let everything get to you! Control your fucking anger because I'm sick of your bullshit! We're done", I yell at him angrily and hot tears run down my cheeks.

"Sabrina please-," Lucas grabs my wrist so I wouldn't leave.

I tug my arm roughly to make him let go of my wrist "I don't wanna hear it. I'm sick of you doing this to me Lucas. If you're gonna get mad every time someone says something and cause a problem, it's not only gonna hurt you, it's gonna hurt me."

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