13 | Pool Party • Part 2

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"It's not what it looks like", I say still shocked and quickly get off Anthony's lap.

"I swear-,", Anthony gets cut off by Lucas.

"Why the hell are you kissing her?!"

"Lucas! We broke up! You don't fucking own me! This is exactly why I broke up with you! You get mad over anything! We broke up! There's no rule another guy can't kiss me", I yell at Lucas angrily.

I hear more than a couple people come in from the backyard. I don't pay any attention to all the murmurs from them.

Lucas yells angrily at me "He isn't just some random guy Sabrina!"

"So what?! We aren't dating at all anymore Lucas!"

"Guys! It wasn't a mistake! I was just in over my head but I don't regret kissing her. You don't treat her right so that's why I'm going to", Anthony says angrily at Lucas and I hear Aubrey's voice from behind us.

"Look who downgraded", Aubrey says in a petty voice. I turn around to see her arms crossed and ten other people just watching us.

"Look who's still a whore bitch", I say angrily and stick up the middle finger at her then look back at Lucas. Anthony doesn't bother to look back at Aubrey.

"You still didn't explain to me why you two were making out", Lucas says completely pissed off.

I started to get quiet and when Anthony didn't say anything for a couple seconds I speak up "I-I never knew I wanted to be more than friends with him, okay?! He was hurt and I did something I don't regret either", I say and Anthony looks up at me shocked. I smile softly at him then look back at Lucas.

"You know what?! Do whatever the fuck you want but don't expect me to be your homie anymore Anthony", Lucas says irritatedly.

"Wow, be like that then you dick. If you really don't wanna be friends, good luck finding another best friend bitch", Anthony says and walks out to the backyard with me.

Once we sit down at the island I felt really bad. "I'm so sorry. I really didn't-," Anthony cuts me off "don't worry about that dick. He couldn't treat you right. For now let's not tell our friends", Anthony says.

"Agreed", I say and stand up and hold my hand out to get Anthony up. "What are we doing", he asks in confusion.

"Well we are at a pool party so let's enjoy it bitch", I say and pull him out of his chair.

We jog to the pool excitedly and Anthony picks me up by the waist and I start screaming and laughing hysterically as he throws me into the pool.

"You bitch", I yell while laughing once I get above the water. Anthony laughs his ass off then jumps into the pool with me.

   A couple minutes later Laura yells "what's up bitches?!" Skylar, Laura and Austin jump into the pool together to join us. There were a few other people in the pool but we were the craziest there.

"We couldn't find y'all", Austin says loudly over the hype rap music.

"We were..uhh, inside", I stutter nervously.

"Okay. We we're getting fat and eating", Skylar says and they laugh.

   We talk and swim around the pool for half an hour until one of the guys outside of the pool yells "chicken fight!" That guy was Christian who was throwing the party. Chris jumps in and daps up Anthony, Austin and I because he didn't know Skylar or Laura.

"What's up", Austin says to Chris. "Nothing. I might play some throwbacks soon though but I don't know which ones", Chris explains.

Austin and quickly look at each other and grin with the same idea "old Justin Bieber songs", Austin and I yell excitedly.

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