53 | Coming Home

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   ~December 18th~

"Honey! Great news! I'm so glad you came because I didn't want to tell you this on the phone, I'm gonna be able to leave the hospital and go back home tomorrow! I've been able to walk again but I will be needing a cane to walk", my mom says happily as soon as I walk into the hospital room.

I felt like crying happy tears, which I did. My mom was finally gonna be able to come home. "Oh my god! No way! I'm so happy you're coming home! I've missed you being home, so, so much! I can't believe you're finally coming home!" So on in my moms arms while hugging her tightly. My mom sniffs and wipes my tears then gently cups my face with both her hands "I'm leaving tomorrow at noon. I'm so happy I'm gonna finally be home", my mom says excitedly and kisses my forehead.

"I thought we weren't gonna spend Christmas together", I say while smiling from ear to ear, I start sobbing "I'm so glad we can spend it together."

My moms smiles "that's not all. We're still gonna spend Christmas with your aunt, uncle and her kids but Tío Victor is coming to Florida for the holidays. He called me yesterday to tell me he bought tickets to come with Melanie!" My mom says excitedly. I cover my mouth in shock, but I was still extremely happy. Tío Victor is my mom's brother, my uncle and Melanie is his daughter who's been my best friend in the family since I was 9 until she moved to North Carolina when I was 14. We were both the same age, born just two weeks apart, she was older.

"Oh my god mami! This day could not get better! ¡Gracias a Dios! ¡Los extraño mucho!" I say happily ("Thank god! I miss them so much!")

"Okay bitches! I need all of you to get off your asses because my mom's coming home tomorrow!" I yell at all my friends, Sofia and Marcus as soon as I walked into the house.

Sofia gasps "moms coming home tomorrow?!" I nod excitedly "yes! I need this place to be spotless! Sofia I need you to go out to get dog food and a nice gift for mom!" I order them.

   After half an hour of debating the pros and cons of getting another dog for my mom, Sofia and I ended up arguing and the best negotiator I know joined in.

"This isn't any dog Sof, this is your mom's dream dog. I mean, how many times does she bring up how much she loves Bernese Mountain dogs?!" Austin says. Sofia takes a couple seconds to think "I know but three dogs?! It's too much work!" Sofia argues.

"Sister, listen, mom has been wanting this dog for years. We looked all over the shelters but there were none. There's literally one of them, 3 months old stuck at a shelter! It's the best time to get her, her dream dog", I tell Sofia.

She sighs "fine but the dog isn't going to be my full responsibility, remember, you have school and the dog is so young, meaning it's not trained", Sofia says. I squeal and clap excitedly "I trained Duke and Loki and look at them now! They walk without leashes and they literally understand English and Spanish!" I say.

"You're literally a professional dog trainer Bri", Skylar says. I laugh "I will take care of them, it'll be all three of our responsibilities. You're gonna be home so when I'm gone do you can watch the puppy", I tell Sofia.

"Ooh..about that.." Sofia says. My eyes immediately widen, "you're not gonna be home while I'm at school?!"

"I got a teaching job at your old middle school..I was gonna surprise you on Christmas but too late now", Sofia says. I smile happily and hug her "I'm so happy for you! You worked really hard for that job." She Thanks me and we finally decide she's gonna drive with Marcus to the shelter to adopt the Bernese Mountain dog. Tell me those dogs aren't the cutest!

     My friends helped me deep clean the house while Sofia and Marcus went to the store to get things for a mini welcome home party

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     My friends helped me deep clean the house while Sofia and Marcus went to the store to get things for a mini welcome home party.

"Great job guys", I say to my friends and flop on the couch. We relax with my dogs before Laura gasps in the middle of our show "what are we gonna name the dog?!"

"Max", Lucas says.

"No that's so generic you dumb ass", Austin says and the guys start punching each other playfully.

"Well the dog's black and white so Oreo?" Laura suggest. I raise my eyebrows "that's a pretty good name. Sky, write this down", I tell her and she gets her phone out to write it in her notes.

"You wanna name your dog after a fucking cookie?!" Lucas asks. Austin and him laugh "that's the most retarted thing I've ever heard", Austin says.

"God damn! You two cannot be happy! Search up a damn name then!" I yell at them.

"Thor." Austin says and Sky writes it down. "What about bear?" Lucas asks. "Bitch! The fuck?!" Austin asks Lucas in a high voice "who names a dog another animal?!" Me and the girls were dying laughing at how childish they were being.

"We're going with Oreo, Sofia likes that one", I say after half an hour of us arguing over a name.

"Now back to the show you idiots", Skylar laughs and we unpause Netflix. I cuddle with Lucas, feeling so safe and warm in his arms.

"I love-," I get cut off when the door swings open and Marcus walks into the house, without Sofia.

"Good news and bad news", he says.

"Good news." We all say. Marcus smiles "good news is we got the puppy!" He says happily and we all start screaming excitedly.

"Bad news....he peed in the fucking car", Marcus says angrily. We all got mad at him because he scared us. We all start yelling at him  and throwing pillows at him.

"You dumb ass", I push his shoulder playfully and my friends and I rush out the door to see the dog while talking excitedly. When we get outside, Sofia immediately and quietly tells us to shut up because the dog was sleeping and was wrapped in a blanket in Sofia's arms.

"Mom's gonna love him", I say as everyone was carefully surrounding him as Oreo slept like an angel.

"Three dogs. Jesus Christ."

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