4 | Accidents

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"Woah, woah", Lucas says thrown back at what I said "what the hell do you mean you don't deserve me?"

"You have all the looks and athletic skills and popularity. All I do is makeup and shopping", I say in a low voice sadly.

"The fuck?" Lucas says in a high pitched and confused voice "all that crap doesn't matter to me, you do Sabrina."

"I know, it's just sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for you. The biggest reason I didn't want to tell you I had feelings for you was because you're so, so out of my league", I say sadly, my voice cracking.

"Sabrina, you are the most beautiful, funniest, crazy  girl I've ever meet, you may not see it but I definitely do. I hate to see you put yourself down like that babe, it hurts me as much as it hurts you", Lucas says sadly.

"Thank you", I say off guard "I've never seen you so nice", I fake pout. Lucas pushes my shoulder playfully "don't get used to it shortie." I cross my arms angrily "I'm not short."

"Yeah you're sooo tall", Lucas says sarcastically "4"9 is definitely tall." I punch Lucas's arm and we walk to his car.

"Can we go eat", I whine once we get into the car. Lucas groans "fine but I'm playing music and picking the place."

"Deal", I smile and my phone dings. I look at the notification and my heart immediately drops.

I got a text from my older sister, since when does she text me?! I quickly read the notification but the text was too lo Nd to read from the notification so I swiftly open the message.

Mom's in the hospital. She got into a car accident on the way home from work. I'm in Los Angeles but I'm getting the quickest flight to Florida ASAP. Idk if anyone told you yet, the hospital called me. I have classes but I'm gonna have to go visit mom. I love you. I promise everyone gonna be okay Bri 💕

My sister's text read. I feel my heart skip a best as my eyes fill with tears. I let out a sob and sniff and Lucas looks alarmed.

"What's wrong?!"

"My mom got in a car accident. Drive me to the hospital now", I demand sternly as hot tears fall from my eyes.

"Holy-it's gonna be okay Sabrina", Lucas says soothingly and holds my hand. He speeds as fast as he can and drives to the hospital.

Within minutes we get there and quickly get out the car. We jog to the hospital entrance and to the front desk.

"I'm here to see my mom. She was in a car accident. Serenity Lopez", I quickly say to the nurse sitting at the desk.

"Room A48", the nurse says and Lucas and I go to find the room.

  I stop once we see the room sign. "I-I'm so scared", I say and tears continue falling down my cheeks. Lucas holds my cheeks softly and wipes my tears "I'm here for you Sabrina." Lucas kisses me and I give him a sad smile then slowly walk into the room.

   There was a nurse giving her medications. I knock softly in the door as I walk in.

"H-hi, I'm her daughter", I say, my voice cracking.

"Oh hello. I'm Nurse Karina. Can I have you feel out some information of your mom and I'll get the doctor", Karina says.

I nod and she hands me a clip board with papers attached to it. Lucas and I sit down and I start to feel out the papers. I feel Lucas's warm hand on my thigh, making me feel safe. 

   Lucas watches my mom as I fill the papers out. I finally finish the papers and go up to my mom's hospital bed.

"I can't lose you Mom", I say softly and my voice cracks and I begin to sob. Lucas quickly gets up and hugs me. I put my face in his chest as I cry, my eyes hurting from how much I was crying.

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