52 | Halloween Party • Part 2

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"Hey, hey, just drink some water, breathe, calm down Bri", Skylar says and hands me water as I sit on the kitchen island with Byron, Austin, Lucas and the girls around me.

"I can't believe that just happened", I wipe my tears and take a few deep breaths then drink my water.

"Hey you got it off your chest. He deserved all of that. He couldn't see how amazing you are so fuck that bitch", Austin says making me giggle a bit.

"There's that beautiful smile of yours", Laura says and puts her hand in mine. I smile at all of them "I'm so lucky to have you guys. I love you all to death."

"We love you too Sabrina", Maddie says and Lucas kisses my forehead. "Come on, let's go dance. You just need to have some fun then we can go trick or treating later", Byron says. I nod and they rush me to the dance floor.

We danced the night away and honestly, it couldn't be more fun. The guys, Chris, Brandon, Byron, Lucas and Austin being the crazy guys they are, they popped confetti cannons at the dance floor while screaming at the top of their lungs. It was so hilarious and fun.

"You guys are idiots", I tell the guys as they're laughing. "We know", they all say. We dance for another hour until I'm so hot I had to open the zipper of my onesie just to breathe but I was wearing a black spaghetti strap under and jean shorts.

"So the party girl's tired huh?" Laura says and the girls walk up to me with drinks in their hand. "Strawberry lemonade. Your favorite", Charlotte says and hands me a red cup with my favorite drink.

"Thanks", I say and we start talking while enjoying our drinks. We talk for an hour until the guys come and crash by scaring the crap out of us but it was so hilarious when Laura chased them to beat them up because she hates being scared.

"I hate you guys", Laura says sarcastically to the boys. We all talk, eventually bickering about god knows what. Once it was around 10:00, Byron us to shut the party down so we could leave to go trick or treating.

Everyone left within ten minutes. We helped Byron clean up and it only took twenty minutes since we were all helping.

"Great. My parents won't kill me now", Byron sighs in relief. We all laugh then grab big bags for candy and get our phones, leaving our stuff here. All the guys and I knew how to skate so we got our skateboards and the rest of the girls just used bikes or scooters that Byron had. We look like we were gonna raid a house with the how many people were with us. We did have a big friend group and weren't gonna leave anyone out so we had to take ten of us.

We trick or treated for about two hours, occasionally getting stares from people who answer the door and "aren't you too old to be trick or treating?" Like, no bitch we just want some candy now trick or fucking treat?!

"That was fucking funny", Brandon says as we're walking down some old lady's driveway after she thought we were gonna rob her but we just wanted candy.

We all go back to Brandon's house with bags full of candy around midnight then we get cozy on the couch all together like a big family. Skylar of course brought fluffy blankets for us because she's the queen of fluffy blankets. We watched funny Netflix movies till 4 AM and ordered Starbucks to stay up since we had to drive home.

"It was a ton of fun today. Austin, don't eat all your candy in a day", Byron says and we laugh. "No promises" Austin grins. We all grab our stuff with our Starbucks drinks and I say bye to everyone before Lucas drives me over to his house. Yes, I was a little tipsy so I wasn't gonna go home so I didn't get an hour lecture from Sofia.

Lucas and I quietly sneak into his room from the window. "We're so savage", I giggle and Lucas covers my mouth to shut up. We got into his room and he playfully threw me onto his bed then jumped onto the bed with me while laughing.

"I love you idiot", I whisper to him. He smiles and kisses me all over my face "I love you too dummy." We finished our Starbucks and decided to pull an all nighter since we already had caffeine and we're way too hyper to sleep.

"Tonight was really fun, despite the crying, I couldn't be happier", I tell Lucas as we're laying down and cuddling in bed.

"Yeah. It was hella fun when you were dancing on me", Lucas laughs and I hit his chest "I was drunk", I giggle. We scroll on my Instagram for a while until we got bored so we snuck downstairs for snacks.

"Tehehe, you're mom is gonna kill us", I say after we finished a whole family sized bag of Doritos. "Okay but those Doritos were bomb as fuck though", Lucas says and we giggle like children.

These were the moments I've always enjoyed with Lucas, dating or not. I could tell him anything, and although he doesn't like showing emotions, I know he loves me to death, and I do too. I love all my friends. I truly enjoyed Halloween with all my idiots. I started getting teary just thinking about all the amazing times I've had with my friends and Lucas.

"I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend", I whisper softly to Lucas and feed him a cookie. He chuckles then kisses my forehead "I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend."

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