46 | Date Night

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"Good morning", Sofia says when I walk into the kitchen. She was making chocolate chip pancakes that smelled absolutely delicious. "Morning", I say and sit down on the island stool next to Marcus.

"Did you sleep well?" Marcus asks. I nod "yeah, finally." Marcus smiles a bit then looks back down at his phone.

"Did you feed the dogs?" I ask Sofia. "No because I know you like doing that." I go to the backyard and take the dogs bowls and them inside. I eat my breakfast then get a text from Lucas.

Lucas: we're going out tonight. Just us. It's gonna be fun. Happy 2 month anniversary princess 💗

Me: Aww! Thank you Lucas. Happy 2 month anniversary. What time are you picking me up?

Lucas: I'm gonna eat then come over around noon. We can watch a movie, I'll bring snacks and send me the name of the face mask you like and I'll grab Starbucks on the way then we can go skating together then get ready for the date 💕

Me: Lucas that sounds so amazing 🥺 ur so adorable. I love youuuu 🥰

Lucas: Love you too princess 🥰

    I shower and change into Lucas's light yellow hoodie he gave me and yellow and orange tie dye sweatpants. I chill with my dogs on my bed while I'm scrolling through Instagram until Lucas knocks on the door.

"I got it!" I yell from upstairs then rush downstairs excitedly. I open the door and hug Lucas "happy anniversary!" He smiles and wraps his arms around my lower back.

"Let's watch...uh..", I say while scrolling through Netflix on the TV "oh! Murder Mystery !" Lucas nods and I play the movie. We eat snacks while laying down in bed with my leg over him and my head resting on his chest.

"Aww you actually wanna do face masks?!" I ask Lucas when he pulls out face masks from the bag. He shakes his head "of course..not but I know you love doing them with me so why not?" I giggle and kiss him before I start putting charcoal on his face and he does the same for me.

We were cuddling and scrolling through social media on our phones while listening to music with my AirPods and eating snacks. I get a notification from Amazon saying my package was here.

That package was something for Lucas. He loves football and his favorite NFL player is Tom Brady so I got him a Tom Brady football jersey since he doesn't have one and let me tell you, they are very expensive for no reason. It was a dark blue patriots jersey with the number 12 on it.

"Close your eyes", I tell Lucas and he does. I cut open the box then take the jersey out "open them", I say excitedly. Lucas looks at the jersey and immediately smiles "thank you Bri!" He hugs me and kisses my forehead. "Anything for you. Try it on", I say. He takes the jersey from me and tries it on. It fit him perfectly.

"You're amazing", Lucas smiles and kisses me.

We took our face masks off then I changed into a black cropped Thrasher hoodie and black jean shorts. I put on black vans and put my hair into two cute buns, leaving the bangs on the side of my ears down.

"Ready to go?" Lucas asks when I walk downstairs with me skateboard. I nod and we go outside then skate to the skate park.


We were at the skate park for an hour then I said bye to Lucas because we both needed to get ready for our date.

"Bye beautiful. I love you", Lucas says and kisses my head. I smile and get butterflies "I love you too."

I change into a black turtle neck sweater, a black plaid skirt, knee high black heels, and put a necklace on then put my hair into two cute buns, leaving the bangs down again. I put on red lip gloss, pink blush, highlighter then fill my eyebrows in.

 I put on red lip gloss, pink blush, highlighter then fill my eyebrows in

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"You look...stunning", Lucas says when I open the door. I blush and smile "you don't look too bad", I joke. He was wearing a grey polo collared shirt and black jeans with a black bomber jacket, his hot messy hair resting perfectly on his head and his usual silver chain.

"Ready?" He asks and I smile then hold his hand as we walk to his car. The whole ride there me and Lucas were talking like best friends and ranting about dumb stuff. Once we got there my eye lit up.

   We pull into the parking lot and it was a fancy Italian restraint that was so expensive. The last time I went there was when my mom got a raise and got to take me to the restaurant for a girls night out last year. The outside of the restraint had beautiful fairy lights that were bright since it was dark. Lucas opens the door for me and we walk into the restaurant.

"I'll have the potato soup with extra cheese and lasagna", I tell the waitress. "Can we get a basket of breadsticks? And can I get the cheese ravioli and potato soup?" Lucas asks. The waitress nods and leaves.

"I can't get over how beautiful you look", Lucas says and looks me admiringly in the eye. I blush "thank you. You look really nice too." He grabs my hands and kisses my right hand "I love you Sabrina."

"I love you too Lucas." I giggle.

   Once we finished the bomb food, Lucas pays and we walk out while laughing and making jokes. Lucas opens the car door for me.

"Where to now?" I ask. "Definitely not home, it's only 8", Lucas chuckles and pulls out the parking lot.

"Where we going then?" I ask. Lucas holds my hand then kisses it "you'll have to wait."

We pull into a drive-in movie. Lucas gives the tickets to the worker there and we drive into the movie and stop the car. Lucas gets a bag from the back of the car and pulls out a ton of my favorite snacks.

"Aww! Lucas!" I pout and he hands me my favorite sour candy "thank you babe!"

"Anything for you princess."

We watch the movie while I hug his arm and he brought a fluffy blanket. We eat the snacks together while laughing at the funny movie.

"This is amazing", I say softly and kiss him.


Thank you so so much for 700 reads! I can't believe it!! I hope you guys are enjoying this book :)

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