Chapter 1 - "After School Hangouts"

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Evan POV:

Coming home, I knew my mom would still be working late at the hospital. She leaves me notes on the table for me to read but recently, my mom has been coming home later than her normal "late" time. I have to figure out why. I walked to my room and opened my laptop, immediately getting a message from a family friend.

Jared- Hey Ev, you busy today?

Evan- Kinda, I have to finish my homework

Jared- Weekend started! You can do that later. If you don't come over then i'll go to your house.

As soon as Jared texted that, I get a message from none other than Connor Murphy. I guess I could say he's my friend, we don't really hang out a lot but we text so much.

Connor- Hansen, you willing to hangout?

Oh yeah, Connor calls everyone by their last name for no reason. I can't go to his house, like at all. Connor's sister, Zoe, is my crush and I embarrassed myself infront of her and her friends. I can't bare to look at her at school anymore.

Evan- I wish I could but im busy with homework and I have to study for the exam on Tuesday.

Connor- That's fine, i'll come over and help you

First of all, it's more of me helping him. He always cheats off me but I don't really care. Secondly, what am I going to do? Connor hates Jared, im not sure how Jared feels about him.

All of a sudden, I hear the front door opening and closing. Im hoping its Alana Beck who we both agreed to study together. I close my laptop and walk out to the kitchen. "M-Mom, your home?" I said, in more of a question. She sets her bags on the counter, turning to see me. "Hi hunny, my work said I could take off early today. How was school today?"

After hugging her, we both sat down at the table. My day was hell but I managed. I shrugged, hanging my head down. In that moment, my phone went off multiple times. Before I could get to it, my mom picks up my phone and reads the notification. I don't even know what it is.

"'Fine, then im coming over' from Jared and Connor's message says 'i'll be there in 3'" my mom reads the message out loud.

Can this get any worse? Probably.

"I-I didn't want them to come over, I said that I was busy but they're coming over apparently" I said.

My mom hands me my phone back, rubbing my shoulder. "Honey, im going out tonight. You are going to have to find dinner yourself" I look up to her, she smiles to me then grabbing herself a snack. I head back to my room, on my laptop, still seeing the previous messages.

Evan- Jared, please don't come over... Im starting to get sick.

Jared- you seem fine at school today, do you need me to keep you company? Lol

Jared- ik your mom is working late, so im just asking

Evan- i'll be fine. Please do not come over.

Jared- okay, i'll turn my car around and pull into the driveway.

Was he texting and driving?? Thank god he didn't get hurt or get caught.

Should I let Connor come over? Sure, what's the harm?

Some time later, I heard a knock on the door. I exited my room and walked past the living room to see who's at the door. "C-Connor, h-hey" he's standing there in the same clothes from school, smoking a cigarette. He inhale's his last puff before throwing the cigarette on the ground and stomping on it. "Hey Hansan, can I come in or am I going to stand outside?"

I step out of the way, letting him inside. He walks in a takes a seat on the couch, I closed the door and took a seat on the other side of the couch.

"Honey, who's at the door?" My mom called out.

I said nothing, turning on the tv. She comes walking out of the restroom, in a dress and all this makeup and looking clean. "Evan, who's your friend?" She asks, putting on her shoes. I gulped, not knowing what or how to say it, but Connor already introduced himself.

"I'm Connor, were also classmates" he says.

I sunk down in the couch, they're talking but I don't catch a single word. I'm too worried that something might happen. "Im heading out, the Kleinman's have invited me to a party, I should be back before 11 tonight. Connor, you may stay the night, you boys behave"

She kisses my head, leaving the house. Connor turns to me, he looks kinda mad. "Your friends with that idiotic Klienman?" I nod quick, he seems to keep looking to me and his phone. "So, im going to need your homework to copy" he says, typing on his phone.

For some reason, some part of Connor makes me think about his sister. Is it the long hair? Maybe. Oh it's definitely the height, its gotta be. It's either that or im just really really tiny.

Zoe Murphy is the kind of girl that is smart, music lover, popular in her group. Im none of those.

Connor though... he's a troublemaker, he's bad at school, and he's unknown. Just like me. Except for the trouble.

"What do you wanna do?" Connor asks.

I hand him the tv remote, he grabs it and searches for a channel to watch. He picks one which is all about surviving and dangerous activity. I hear the doorbell ringing, I get up and answer it. Oh, uh, this is not what I was expecting...

"Ev... can I just hang out for a bit? I go to work in a bit but I just want to stop by, seeing how you are"

Jared is here. Why is he here.

"I-Im f-fine, bye now" I closed the door but Jared stopped it with his foot.

Jared lets himself in the house, I tried to stop him but he pushed me aside. I stood there, Connor gets up and walks towards Jared. This is bad, very bad. They started whispering, im not sure what about but it seems really important. What I don't need is them to start fighting, its going to happen, I can feel it.

Jared turns to me, looking at me, then shutting the door on his way out. Connor loosens his fist, putting back in his pockets. "Forget that happened, Evan. Do you want to catch a movie tonight?"

Evan. He called me by my first name.

Does that mean anything??

Time skip to when they get back home

We go back to the house, after seeing a movie and Connor showing me something deadly. "Should we order pizza and finish the day with watching movies before falling asleep?" Connor asks. I shrugged but nodded. Connor orders pizza, I change into more comfy clothes. We both pick out movies that we want to watch.

Pizza arrives, movie starting, Connor and I.

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