Chapter 7 - "A Worried Connor"

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Connor POV:

"Hello?" The other line picked up.

"Evanfaintedandidontknowwhattodo" I said talking probably too fast.

I want to breakdown, I want to ball my eyes out but I can't for some reason. "Evan what? Who is this?" His mom said. I took a deep breath and tried again. I keep my eyes fully on Evan to see if anything happens. "I-its C-Connor..." I took another breath. "E-Evan f-fainted and I-I dont know what t-to d-do" I hear his mom gasp in a not so good way. "Tell me the exact location and I will be there asap"

I look up, finding street signs or some building were close too. "N-near the corner of 5th a-and D-Dollaway... by the park" Evan's mom said that she'll be here any minute, and soon enough she hangs up the phone.

I put down the phone, looking to Evan. This is frightening to watch. I pulled Evan's head and shoulders in my lap, the rest of him is off to the side. Laying a hand on his head, I start going through his hair. I watch as a tear falls down my face and onto his nose. I grabbed hold of his hand, shaking a little. His hands are really cold.

I sit there for a few minutes, slowly inching towards him. Getting close to his lips, I feel like I should kiss him? Or... CPR? I don't really know. Im scared to do anything. Okay, fine, I will go for it-

"Connor! Are you doing CPR?!"

I heard Evan's mom yell, running to us. I pull myself away from Evan, letting his mom look at him. She took Evan from my arms, I stand up and accidentally backing up into some tree that I never knew was there. His mom starts checking on him, doing mouth to mouth CPR and all of that.

I stand there, doing nothing. Why the hell aren't I doing anything. Watching him, getting worried. "I-is he gonna be okay?" I said, with a stutter. Ew, gross, stuttering. His mom looks back to me, telling me to come over. I slowly walk over, holding my hands to my face. She holds up a finger, telling me to crouch down beside her.

When I do, I see Evan. I see him, fainted. His mom takes a sec, looking at me, then back to her son. "How did this happen?" She asked. I take a hand and push hair behind my ear.

"W-well... w-we got done with the shopping, and he looked to me, saying-"

"Saying what?" Evan's mom look to me.

Shaking, I point to Evan. He starts opening his eyes and coughing a little. His mom looks back to him, gasping. I just sit there, doing nothing for no reason. His mom hugs him, I started looking around, standing up, getting the bags. A few minutes later, Evan stands up with help. He puts an arm around his mom, I take care of the groceries, and we walk to the car.

Time skip when they head to the Hansen's

I help Evan, getting in the house and on the couch. I offered to help Ms. Hansen with the groceries but she said she can do it. I stand behind the couch, Evan turn his head to me and grows a little smile. I bet he's wondering why im here, he probably doesn't want me here. He points to the chair, I look over, he's pointing to a blanket.

Once I put the blanket on the couch, he puts the blanket on top of him and looks back to me. I feel like I should say something. "How are you feeling, Ev- Hansen?" I almost said Evan. He shrugged, looking around. "I-I don't remember that much..."

"What do you remember?"

Hansen looks back to me, looking into my eyes like nothing else is there. "W-well... walking back from the store, I remembered what you, uh, said to me about..." he pauses. I just kinda look at him, waiting for him to saying something. He sits up, padding the cushion next to him, looking to me. Slowly, I walk around the couch, taking a seat next to him.

"A-about, uh, Jared... i-is that true?" He looks down, fidgeting with his hands, in a whisper.

Is it time to come clean?
Should I just stick to my plan?

I sigh, rubbing his back. With nothing to say, I just look at him like an idiot. He lifts his head slowly, looking into my eyes again. But this time is different... its more real. His hands move closer to me, I look down. "Hansen..." I say, in a quiet and calm tone.

I can hear both our long breaths, were close but not at all, if that makes any sense. Unexpected of me, I put a hand on the side of his face. We both look up to each other, in union. The tension between us is getting a little heated. I move in close to his face, dropping my head. Closing my eyes, all I can think about is us...

I retrieved my hand, letting go. I feel and hear Evan standing up, I lay back on the couch, not waiting to move. "Hey... Connor?" I hear him speak, I open my eyes, looking at him. "Don't say anything about what just happened" he nervously takes my hand. "I... want to speak with you, alone where I can be comfortable"

"Are you boys hungry?" Evan's mom asked from the kitchen

As soon as she said a word, we both immediately stepped away from each other. I fell off the couch, hitting my head first on the carpet. We both walked to the kitchen, Evan and I say nothing to each other, from the awkward situation. "No... but, can I go to my girlfriends house? Her parents are home..." his mom looks to me, kinda confused. "What about Connor?"

"Oh, I have to get going anyways... I have to run a few errands" which was both a truth but a lie

A few minutes later, Hansen and I were out the door, walking to the same house. "Don't you have errands?" He asks, I shrug, taking out a cigarette and lighting it. "Yeah, but i'll just do it later" I say, blowing a puff.

"I-I just have one question" he says.

I look over his direction, taking the cigarette out of my mouth. "If it's anything about that then we will talk later... just, not in public" he shakes his head no, I cough and tap my cigarette, dropping ashes to the ground. "N-no... not that, its about me fainting" I look in front of me, trying not to trip.

"W-were you worried? How worried?"

We keep walking, I gulped and focused on going back home. "Uh, yeah... I was... thats also apart of the talk..." I say. I hear him say a little "oh" but still kept walking.

Time skip again cuz why not

Walking back into the house, Evan said he said he'll wait outside, to ring the bell. My mom comes walks over to me, dusting off dirt from my clothes. "Dad needs your help with moving some shit in the family room" I nudge her hands away from me, scoffs, and walks away.

I can hear my sisters annoying ass guitar, meaning that she's home... sadly. I jog up the stairs and lean against Zoe's door frame, since her door is wide open. "Your boy is here" I say, grabbing a cigarette. She gets up and pulls the cigarette out of my mouth before I could light it. "I don't want my room to spell like smoke"

She puts it in her trash and goes downstairs, I go to my room and slam the door shut. I should probably hide some things from Hansen if he does go to my room. Probably not... my room smells like smoke and weed.

Today is already full of emotions. Oh boy.

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