Chapter 11 - "Announcement"

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(Skip to Friday after school)

Evan POV:

Coming home from a week of school, I drop my bag on the floor and went to my room. Jeremy's school didn't have school today and Phil worked from home so their both here. Sometimes, I hate that their both here most nights. It's going to be worst if we move in together. I need to talk to someone but I can't.

Connor and Jared... duh. Zoe is at an appointment and after that she's going to one of her friends house, and me being me, I want to respect her time so then she can spend loads of time with her friends. Instead of me, I get a text from Jared.

Jared- Why won't you talk to me? Did I do something?

Ugh. I guess I can talk to him. I also need an answer.

Evan- No, no. Sorry, its my bad. Can you come over, I actually need to talk to you about something.

Jared- I'll be over in 5

Evan- Were talking outside, I don't want Jeremy and his dad to hear our conversation.

Jared- Sounds good

When Jared gets here, he gets out of the car and walks over to me. I have no idea what to start with, probably a 'sorry' first. "Hey... look im sorry, I just overheard from someone about you and me" I say. Jared crosses his arms, looking angry. "What is it about?" he asks, in a serious tone.

I take a deep breath before speaking. "Connor told me... that you like me"

Jared has his eyes widen, unfolding his arms. I wanted to speak more, I had to speak more. "It's okay if you do... i'm not mad"

"It's true... I do really like you"

I look up to him, he looks to me. Both of us saying nothing.

Like I said before, when Connor first told me. I did like him too... i'm not sure how feel since I have a girlfriend now. Jared is a good guy, he mean's well. But with Connor... wait. Connor kissed me because he likes me too?

Connor was looking at Jared because Connor wanted me before Jared could? Holy crap. I have people fighting over me. I can't believe Connor and Jared likes me. This is a little too much for me.

What if... I secretly date Jared and Connor. I know they both won't like it but that's my deal.

I grab Jared's hand, turning red. Jared looks confused a little. "I have a compromise if you and Connor agree" I say, calmly. Jared nods, I tell him about 'sharing' me with Connor. "Yes... yes, I will accept it" he smiles. I then realize that I have to tell Connor.

I drag Jared to his car and we bot get inside. "Where are we going?" he asks, I put on my seat belt and so does he. "Well, I have to tell Connor, don't I?" Jared starts driving to Connor's house.

Once we get there, I tell Jared to stay there, saying I won't be long. I knock on the door and Connor answers. "I-is anyone home?" I quickly say.

Connor shakes his head and tries to speak but I walk inside, full on kissing him. I could tell at first he was shocked by then he kisses back harder. I pull back from him "I have a proposition" Connor furiously nods.

"We can start secretly date only if you share me with Jared?"


"You heard me"

"Fine, as long I have you" he says, kissing me again.

I kiss him back for a few seconds before pulling back and heading outside. Connor follows and he asks "Where are you going?' I open the car door, looking back to him. "I have to be home before my mom gets home... i'll text you later" I say before getting in the car and Jared drives back to my house, dropping me off. I turn to Jared, we both lean in and kiss each other before I step out of the car.

Closing the door behind me, I see Jeremy on the couch playing games on his phone while Phil is in the kitchen, it looks like he's making dinner. "Hey bud, your mom told me to start making dinner. She'll be home soon" I nod a little, grabbing some snacks from the fridge. Walking back to the living room, I sit on the couch and turn on the tv.

Jeremy looks up from his phone while swinging his feet from the arm rests to the floor. "Hey, you remember me saying that we should go on a double date?"

I look to him, exactly remembering. "Yeah... are you wanting to go on one sometime?" I ask, setting down my plate of food. Jeremy stands up and sits next to me, showing me his phone. "Just imagine... a fancy restaurant, us and our girlfriends. So, what do you say?" I scoff and pay attention back to the tv. Actually, its not that bad of doing.

I know Zoe would love it, the next day she'll just nonstop talking about it and bragging to her friends. I know her too well. I think I could picture us, Zoe and I, having a date. Come to think of it, I never took Zoe on a date yet. Damn, I gotta think about that.

"I, uh, I never took my girlfriend on a date yet" I confessed.

"Never? How long have you guys been together?"

"Almost 2 weeks"

About half an hour later, my mom came home and finished dinner. All 4 of us sit and the table and started eating. Halfway through, my mom and Phil keeps looking at each other, whispers between them.

Jeremy and I exchange looks, wondering what's going on. "Boys... we have an announcement" my mom finally says. We look to her, my mom looks to Phil to me to Jeremy and smiles.

"Heidi and I thought that the 4 of us could move in together"

"Yeah, we both searched for houses and-" my mom adds on immediately after.

"What?!" Jeremy and I stood up, both saying it at the same time.

This can't be happening. I can't live with that! I swear, if my mom makes us move out of town or out of my school then I am not going to be happy. I am in total shock, I knew this would happen at some point.

Right now, I just wanna scream or punch something. Or someone. If I have to move schools the how the hell am I going to tell everyone... how am I going to tell Zoe.

"Are we moving out of town? Moving schools?" I quickly ask, getting angry.

"We found the perfect house for all of us... Were still going to be in town but Evan is going to have to go to Jeremy's school"


I walk away from the dinning room, heading to my room, slamming the door. This is unbelievable, I have to move school's. Now I have to ask when were moving.

I. Hate. Everything. And. Everyone. UGH.

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