Chapter 4 - "Feelings For a New Man?"

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Evan POV:

The next day, Phil came over. He made Jeremy go too but I don't think he'll interact with me. I mean, ive seen him be kind to my mom. Right now, im in my room, sitting in my bed reading. Jeremy comes into my room unexpectedly. "Hey, look, there's this convention my best friend and I want to go to. 4 tickets are surprisingly cheaper than 2 so do you have any nerd friends that play video games?"

First, harsh. Second, duh. I close my book and threw it on my bookshelf. "Does this mean that I have to go too?" I ask. Because, I don't. Actually, I do have to go to make sure Jared doesn't do anything stupid. He nods, I get out of bed and go to my laptop. "Yep, I sadly do... i'll text him and get back to you" he leaves my room.

Evan- Hey, you wanna go to some video game convention that's today?

Immediately, I get a response.

Jared- Hell yeah!

Jared- Just us or with other people?

Im not calling Jeremy my brother or step, even if our parents do get married. I really don't want to go to this but I have to, to make sure Jared doesn't do anything ridiculous or break anything.

Evan- My mom's boyfriend's son and his friend

Evan- Im assuming that we're leaving soon so probably come here now

Jared- Already getting ready! See you soon.

I close my laptop and look at the time, I just realized its like 8:45 in the morning. Ugh, today is going to be a long day. As im getting dressed, Zoe calls me. I answer my phone "g-good morning Zo" I say. I hear her "aww" -ing. Geez, her voice is beautiful. "Morning Ev, I miss you" I say it back to her, still getting ready for the day. "H-hey, before you say anything... I would love to hang out today but im going to a convention. I don't want to go-"

"Then don't!"

"Well, see, that's the problem... I-I have to make sure that Jared doesn't do anything stupid" I say, smiling.

I wish she could see me, I really miss her. We've been together for like, hours, but we feel like it was for months. Zoe and I talked on the phone, Jared showed up. I either have a choice of introducing Jared to them or talk to Zoe... probably Jared. "Zo, I-I have to let you go... i'll t-talk to you later, 'kay?" Zoe and I said said our goodbyes, I hung up.

I walked out of my room, Jared is just sitting there in the corner, confused. "J-Jared, hey" I say, he walks over to me, somewhat excited. "Sup, so, when are we leaving?" Jeremy suddenly stands up, listening to our conversation. "This is your nerd friend? No offense tho... Oh boy, my best friend would like you"

Jared POV:

About half an hour later, we made it. Apparently, we are meeting Jeremy's friend here. A dude with a red hoodie comes up to us, next to Jeremy. "Hey! Thank god for people" the friend said. Not noticing Evan and I, the friend and Jeremy just talked.

Uh, well, exuse me for a moment... I-I think I found someone new- .... Connor can have Ev... he wins.

Jeremy and the friend looks to us, the friend looks to Evan, then to me. He seems to stare a little... I tried hiding my blush, but I did. Shit, damnit. Jeremy nudged him. "Guys, this is Michael... Michael, this is Evan and his friend-"

"J-Jared" I studdered.

Again... exuse me... cupid shot me. Cupid shot me and killed me. Michael... I love that name.

Then, Evan nudged me. Oh, uh, I guess I was staring a bit. Oops. I look to Evan, smiling. He seems to smile back. After a while, we all start to walk around. I keep looking at Michael. Stopping to sit down, Michael winked at me, then saying "i'll be back, gotta head to the restroom" then he left.

Jeremy and Evan immediately looked to me, I look to them. I think they know... "what?" I said. They smiled and took a sip of their drinks. They both shrugged their shoulders, pretending they saw nothing. I roll my eyes, and told them that im getting more food for all of us. I have a feeling that their gonna try and get me and Michael together. God, I hate them.

Evan POV:

I smirk to Jeremy, we both know what exactly what we need to do. "You know what we gotta do" Jeremy said, texting on his phone. I look to Jared's spot, he left his phone. I leaned forward and grabbed it, trying to unlock it. Hey, I did it. Jeremy leans over to me looking at the phone. I go to his contacts and clicked the plus to add a new contact. "T-there you go... a-add his number"

Jeremy takes Jared's phone and puts in Michael's phone number. "Don't tell them anything" Jeremy says, entering the last number and putting in a secret name. I nodded, staying silent. I look to the phone to see what Jeremy put for the name.

My Gay Hottie

I mean... yeah, that could work. Lets just hope Jared finds it before it turns into months then years. As he's in my eye sight, I nudged Jeremy. He knew to put his phone back. When he's closer, sitting down. Jeremy and I play it cool, grabbing some food. "Ya know, I really hate you guys" he said, stuffing his face with a burger.

Then, Michael comes back. He sits down, in a different spot. Huh. "Sorry that was long, there was a line and people take forever..." Michael said. He looked over to Jared, grabbing some fries. After eating, we walked around seeing the actual convention and all the people.

People scare me.

Time skip cuz, like, same Ev. People are really scary

Jared POV:

What a day, all 4 of us head to the parking lot. We came here around 9:30AM or whatever and now exiting around 9:45PM. Geez, we need help. We all go to Jeremy's car, remembering that Michael drove himself. Maybe... if I- nope. Im not. "Are we going to call it a night or gonna hang?" Michael said, swinging his keys on his fingers.

Jeremy and Evan yawned easily saying their done. I turn to Michael "I can hang out for a while" Michael pats my back. "Alright. Then, i'll tomorrow Jer, nice meeting you Evan" They both head in the car, Michael and I walk to his car. Nice PT Cruizer tho.

Oh. Wow. Now realizing, I bet Jeremy and Evan pretended to be super tired so that Michael and I could hang out. Good job, you guys.

I wanna fucking kill them...

...I say that with absolute love

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