1- I Don't Know You Well

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A/N: I appreciate all of the support!!
Thank you, love you! Ciao!!!! <3



2.5 years late 😓


A Touch of Ruin....

Lying awake in bed at 6:45 am, which means I've gotten a total of 4 hours of sleep. School starts in less than 2. I've got 2 jobs to work this evening, after going through 8 hours of school. Just to get up and do it all over again.  That's the price I have to pay, all because I was born without my permission.

Thank you, Mother, even though you're dead in the ground somewhere.

I wouldn't say I have mommy issues. Or maybe I do. But I'm not going to make them my excuse and bitch about it.
On the other hand, my back hurting is something I will not complain about. I'm on it for about 5 hours every day. Sometimes quite literally, and constantly bending over from working on cars...Is going to drive me insane!

I got up and grabbed some random clothes I had thoughtlessly put out last night. I quietly opened my bedroom door, peeping my head out to see if anyone was awake. They weren't. You could hear slight snoring from down the hall. I was extra quiet so as to not wake the dozing infant in the other room. How considerate of me, since the little noise-maker likes to keep me up until the ass-crack of dawn.

When you spend countless hours awake, and working like me, all formalities go out the window.

Just be glad I called it a little noise-maker, and not a little shit like its father.

The house was cold due to no one paying the electric bill. Since it's technically "my house" my mother left me, I have to pay the majority of the bills. I was running a little late with my last paycheck alright? I made a mental note to pay those later on. Since none of these sad fucks aren't going to. If it was up to me, I would make these assholes suffer in the cold. I could always find someplace warm to squat at.

Not my fucking problem. If you want to live here, stop freeloading. However, someone has to step up for that baby since the cracked-out dad, isn't doing much.

I quickly scrubbed my skin almost raw from the excessive need to feel clean.

I got dressed while in the bathroom, then I made a beeline for my bedroom to grab the rest of my things for school. Once I stepped outside into the biting cold, a whole body shiver racked through me.

Shivering, I made my way to school on foot.


By the time I reached the school, I was wheezing and out of breath. I thought that maybe a run would warm me up. Yeah, I mean partially. But it made my ears colder from the cold wind pricking at my skin. Perhaps it was too early to try and burn my lungs out. But hey, it beats sucking on a stick of nicotine.
The slight sheen of sweat on my forehead started to cool thanks to the fall breeze as I checked my phone. It made my flyaways stick to it, the rest of my matted, long, coily hair hanging in a low bun on my neck.
It was now 7:15 am, and the school opened at 8. I still had so much time to kill.

Hiking my backpack up on my back, I turned around and headed to look for someplace I could kill some time.


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