14: Rogues Punishment

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When they got to the palace and went up the steps his parents were waiting with Sting beside them, smirking a bit with his arms crossed. Before either one of the couple could speak Tina was slapped hard against the face and almost fell down the steps. "How dare you show yourself here Wright princess!"

Rogue's eyes widen a bit. "Mother! Please, don't listen to a thing that Sting has told you. He doesn't know the truth or the conditions that are at steak here." Rogue said as he pulled Tina close to him. "Tina is innocent here."

Tina pushed away from Rogue and she emitted off a dark power aura as she glared with pure hatred at the elder female. "If you wish to not be at war I would hold your tongue or you will lose more than just your pride and kingdom." She hissed out pissed

"Like a pathetic woman like you could ever do me any harm." The queen stated waving her hand to the side in gesture to waving off the threat that was just placed in her face.

Tina caged the woman in dark ice before doing the same with Sting. She then calmed herself and looked to the king. "Your highness, I wish to speak to you and you alone about what has come to pass. Don't worry about the two idiots, they can still breath and hear everything that is being said. Sting has shown disrespect towards me since he showed up at my very own kingdom, he stereotypes me to be just like my sister Risa who was supposed to marry Rogue. But I have a message that I must give you from my father."

"Let me hear this message Princess, I do apologize for my wife, she believes everything her errand boy Sting tells her."

She nodded her head and took her phone out playing the video for Rogue's father before she placed it away. His father had his arms crossed before he shut his eyes in thought. "You're given the task to unite the seven then yes?"

"Yes sir, I have. I've already been given the blessing from the King of Lanercost, and the king of Mirfield has agreed to marry me when the time is right. I also have a prince from Ascot and Oakheart who will also be joining the cause." Tina said with a nod of her head. "With my sisters being disowned and thrown out of the castle, I am my parents last hope to reverse what damage Risa has done for her own self benefit."

His eyes opened as he looked directly at her. "Do you love my son?"

Tina stiffened as she heard the question coming from the elder male, she never knew what it was like to love someone. But she took that time to reevaluate herself, what she felt around Rogue since they left her kingdom. Did she love him? She shut her eyes and remembered everything she felt for the last day or so and she knew the answer already. She opened her eyes and gave the elder male a small smile. "Yes...I Love your son Rogue."

The elder male gave her a small smile. "Very well, you have my blessing dear to marry my son. But Rogue you shouldn't have let Sting take control of what had happened while you were out."

Rogue shut his eyes and looked down ashamed. "Yes...I know father."

"I must say that I am very low on his list for priorities your highness. There's a story I wish to tell you about what happened while coming here that I do believe you'll enjoy hearing." Tina said with a smirk.

"Unfreeze my wife and the boy and we can talk inside, you must be tired and hungry child."

"Yes...I am. I will sir." Tina said before she placed both of her hands out. "Release."

The large pieces of dark ice shattered leaving just the two people in it's place. Sting glared at Tina before he went inside not really trusting her around Rogue. The queen went to hit Tina once more but Rogue stopped his mother by grabbing Tina and pulling her into his chest. "You're not harming my fiance mother, you harm her you're asking for war with her and those who are already aligned with her. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be at war with a woman who has the ability to kill anything or one in her way."

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