26: Meeting the half-wannabe's

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As Tina was walking around the manor she was completely stopped by four males she never seen around before. They wouldn't let her go up the steps. The raven haired male holding a book glared down at her and pushed her away from the steps. "Where do you think you're going human girl? I don't think you're supposed to be here right now. We weren't ever told about some whore coming here and making a fool of themselves."

She narrowed her pink eyes at the male. "Excuse the hell out of you! But I'm going to meet up with my fiance Kanato Sakamaki, and if you don't wish to die where you stand I suggest you and your flunkies let me go up the steps."

The blond male then went up to her. "Do you really think that we'd believe that nonsense you worthless bratty human girl? We're not dumb, you can't be serious about being anything more to those idiot princes than a concubine. You're not going anywhere whore until we get our turn with you first."

She rubbed between her eyes as she sighed out. "Karlheines why must you have such morons live here with you?" She muttered before she stepped back a bit. She grabbed her spell book from the side of her.

She then cast a spell that made the four males into felines before punting them in one way or another making them turn back into their regular forms once more. "My name is Goddess Tina Wright. I also happen to be the Princess of the Wright family. I'm far from being human like you four assholes. Before you think you are high and mighty beings that have some say on what goes on around here, maybe you should have talked with Karlheinz. He would have warned you never to cross me. I could have easily killed you four, but I don't feel like getting my hands bloody with blood from idiots. I'll leave that to my love and his beloved brothers to do on their own time." Tina said as she walked up the steps.

All four of them looked at her as she walked up the steps. None of them believed her and rushed to where they knew Karlheinz was. The first to talk was Yuma. "What the hell is going on here?! All of us just got turned into felines and thrown into different directions from a puny bratty raven haired bitch! She claimed that he was a Princess and a goddess that ain't true is it?!"

"Please don't say such harsh words about the goddess. She is what she claims." Karlhienz said with a sigh

All off them stiffened where they stood before Kou spoke up. "You...You're not fucking around with us are you? S-She really can't be a goddess and a princess...T-That can't be true."

"I would never lie to you boys you should all know that, Tina Wright is the goddess of magic reincarnated. It was said in lore that the goddess of magic will vanish after the war of magic and hate was done for and be birthed again in one of the seven kingdoms as royalty when she is needed once more. The kingdom that was chosen was the Wright family. No doubt due to Rico wright's undying loyalty towards her. It has been written that she will reconnect all seven of the kingdoms that were torn apart due to the god of hatred Eric being harsh on her and all she loved and cared for." Karlheinz stated as he got up from his seat and looked out the window. "I was a mere child when I saw her the first time. At the time there was a different family that had ruled these lands, but due to their lack of leadership they lost their place and my family made themselves known as the new leader here. I was given the blessing by the Goddess herself to make this place my own. I owe everything I have now to her."

He then looked to the four boys. "You wouldn't have a place to call your own without her, so be grateful that she has been kind enough to let the four of your live."

They looked to one another before Ruki spoke up. "I don't understand why now she comes back, there has been peace in these kingdoms for the last few centuries."

At that time Subaru came into the room. "Father, we have a major problem. There's a rather large shadow outside staring straight at the house."

"Find Tina, Kanato and the rest of your brothers. We will take it out together."

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