Expedition Canceled Due To Guest From Somwhere Else?

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A/N EeEeEeEeEe another song from frozen and some crazy action with pOwErS gUySsSs!!!

It was the day of the expedition. My first expedition actually. I never done anything this crazy. Not to mention I haven't fully master what they call the ODM gear. The swords feel weird and they can break. Plus the outfit we have to wear is tight and I usually wear dresses since in Arendelle I have to wear dresses since I'm the queen. But I finally get to wear pants and a shirt and not a dress which is different to me.

I walked out to the cafeteria and got food and sat by Eren, Sasha, Mikasa, Armin, Connie, and Jean. "Hey Y/N, you ready for the expedition we have today?" Eren asked. "Mmmmm I'm a bit nervous. But I'm sure I'll be fine." I told him we sat there and ate until someone called me "Y/N" I look behind me and seen Levi. "Oh hi Levi" I waved at him. "May you come with me I gotta talk to you?" He asked. "Oh sure"

We walked to his office and I sat down in the chair acrossed from him and he look at me with his arms crossed on the table. "First of all, promise me you won't die today although I said this before I want you to promise me it again." He said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Levi, I promise on everything, I don't want to make you sad at all I promise yes we've only known each other for a couple weeks but I promise you I won't. All this training will help me and thank you for helping me train." I said as I took his hand in both of mine to keep my promise. "And second, your power will help us with if there is like a different titan or and abnormal that is on our tail that we can't get off of. If your in trouble and about to pass out because you used your power to much then you get this special bright light flare. We made 100 of these and store most of them somewhere else for whenever we go on a expedition so we will bring 5 with us today." I nodded and we went and grouped up outside to get our horses and feed them and everything for this expedition.

We got outside and was getting our horses ready and loving them before we headed off.

"Y/N someone unexpected was brought here and said they know you and are looking for you." Someone said and Erwin brought in a girl with orange hair with a winter outfit on. Anna? Did she? Is that her?!

"Anna?" I said in a questionable voice. "Y/N, you look, different. And this place is different too." She said in a happy voice "Anna what are you doing here you don't need to be here it's a dangerous place you belong down in Arendelle." I said in a sad voice as everyone circled the scene and Levi stood close next to me "And Y/N you belong down there too." She said. "No Anna I belong here. With people who aren't scared of me and I know I won't hurt because I don't have to hide away." I said in a sad voice. After I said that someone came bursting from the corner of the HQ. "Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Everyone stood in shock as a talking walking snowman came in "Olaf?" I said in a concerned voice. "Yea, you built me, remember?" He said with his head down. "And your alive?" I look at my hands while everyone is still staring and Hanji over there freaking out about the talking snowman. "EEEEEEEEEEE I CANT I NEED TO HOLD HIM AND USE HIM FOR EXPERIENCES!!!" Hanji said in a high pitched voice til he grabbed Hanji and told her to let them talk and have a moment and just watch them and wait til later to do that.

"Yea it's Olaf just like how we built when we were kids." She brought back a memory "Yea" "Y/N we was so close. We can be like that again" Then that memory turned into a nightmare. I remember my sister got shot in the face and her white streak is still there when it appeared after that happened. "No we can't goodbye Anna" I said because I didn't want to hurt her "Y/N wait" I pushed through the crowd of scouts and everyone followed us. "No Anna I'm just trying to protect you!" I said in a sad voice

"Y/N please don't shut me out again I'm not afraid"

Anna- 🎶Please dont slam the door

Anna- 🎶You don't have to keep your distance anymore

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