Chapter 1

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Heavy pants broke out of Izuku as he ran up the escalator. Just my luck, he thought to himself. He had missed his last two trains because of work. When he decided to work at Eataly, he didn't expect it to be this hard. He thought it was going to be easier than his last job as a customer helper at the mall. At this job, he got the same level of rude customers and more money. Of course, the only reason he had this job was to stay near his university. Although he was 23, he was still in school because of the gap year he took.

He finally made it to his platform after running in his red boots and hopped on the train a minute before it was going to close the doors. He sighed inwardly as he only saw one seat available. Normally, he would opt for standing but he was tired of running. He smiled at the people he made eye contact with and made it to his seat. Finally.

He took out his baby ponytail and ran his fingers through his fluffy, messy green hair enjoying the painful yet satisfying feeling. He went on his phone for the rest of the ride occasionally listening to the announcer stating the stops. He was the last one so he could sit and relax.

He closed his eyes and began to doze of his head falling every once in a while and waking him up. Staying up till four am reading and talking to people in foreign countries with different time zones would have to be something he worked out in his own time.

He turned to look out the window and completely forgot that there was someone sitting next to him. They had headphones in and a beanie covering their hair and eyes as if it was a sleeping mask. They had light stubble so he assumed he was a boy. Izuku was surprised to see he was wearing the uniform of his favourite restaurant. He smiled and turned to the window before he felt his phone vibrate in his hand.

He saw a row empty and decided to move away from the sleeping man as to not disturb him. He picked up the phone with a smile and listened to his favourite and a most comforting voice on the other end of the line.

"Hey baby", said a sweet voice. "Uraraka", Izuku said with a smile on his face. "You excited for tonight?", he asked her. "Picture this, you, me, a projector, a fort and whatever food you want", she said into the phone. "I can't wait", he replied back and Uraraka could picture the half-smile on his face. "See you soon then", she said before he said his farewells and hung up.

Izuku never actually told Uraraka which restaurant he worked out. She probably never would have expected him to go to the one almost half an hour to forty minutes away. There was a reason though. This one was closest to his best friends house. He knew it was a dumb decision when he based his choice of where Todoroki lives but he couldn't help himself. His high school best friend had a baby and he was going to be the best Godfather there was.

As much as he didn't like to admit it, he was jealous of Todoroki and his soulmate, Momo. When he heard about how they met, he knew it was perfect but Izuku still hadn't met his soul mate yet. Both Todoroki's right hand was covered in a black mark in the shape of a hand and Momo's right hand marred a kiss shape which was half grey and half blue. At the gala they met at, Todoroki had held Momo's hand and kissed it and when they looked at their hands again, their marks had left, which meant that they were soulmates.

Of course, Izuku and Uraraka were not soul mates but it wasn't uncommon for people to date. It could be rare to find your soulmate so at some point when you settle down you settle for a partner you chose, instead of the one you were destined for but couldn't find. This idea had been taboo but now people are realising how difficult it is to truly find a soulmate. Neither Izuku nor Uraraka had found their soulmates but they fell in love. They agreed that if anyone found their soulmate they would end it with no complaints because they would be happy with the other person, and Izuku had no problem with that.

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