Chapter 22

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Sunlight slowly crept into the room where the two boys were fast asleep on the bed. Katsuki was the first to wake up, grabbing his phone and scrolling through his messages. He shifted slightly so that Izuku was laying on his chest and he was sitting up. He brushed his fingers through Izuku's curls, placing a kiss on his forehead as he continued to scroll through his messages. It was a very relaxing moment, Katsuki enjoying the sound of his soulmates calm breath throughout the room. 

He continued to run his hand's through Izuku's curls, as he looked around the room, laughing softly when he saw the All Might memorabilia hidden around his room. He looked at Izuku's side table, eyes widening to find a photo with All Might and Izuku hugging each other. He picked up the photo and brought it up to his face excitedly. Izuku looked younger, but somehow, in spirit, he looked older. All Might, however, was smiling and excited. He could still see Midoriya's happiness but it wasn't as bright as it was now. 

"G'morning," Izuku mumbled, placing a kiss on Katsuki's chest. Katsuki jumped slightly, surprised by the sudden noise of Midoriya talking. "Morning, dumbass," Katsuki replied, placing another kiss on Izuku's forehead. Midoriya only nuzzled himself further into Katsuki's chest. Katsuki's fingers continued to brush the green curls, grinning at the way Izuku seemed to be purring at it. 

They stayed this way for a while, just enjoying each other's company. Katsuki knew he had spam of messages from everyone asking if he and Izuku had done 'it' last night, but he ignored them, knowing it wasn't anyone business besides them. Katsuki felt Izuku put a kiss on his chest again and he looked up at the blond, his chin resting on Katsuki's chest. Katsuki smiled softly at the sight of Izuku's sleepy face, enjoying how his skin looked fresher and how his lips were slightly puffy. 

"Breakfast," Izuku mumbled before plopping his head back onto Katsuki. The blond snorted at Izuku's request. "Can't walk?" He teased before gently moving Izuku off of him, ignoring the greenette's blush and cute splutters. "I'll be right back," Katsuki said, kissing Izuku on the cheek. Izuku squealed as he saw Katsuki get out of his bed, half-naked, with only his boxers on. 

The blond went to Izuku's kitchen, sighing as he saw barely anything in the fridge. "He needs to take better care of himself," Katsuki sighed before pulling out some basic breakfast items. 

Izuku, however, got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. He washed his face and brushed his teeth, knowing a smile was on his face the entire time. His hips were slightly sore, and it did hurt to walk - not that he would admit that to Katsuki - and he wished he had superpowers to just float him to his bed. He flopped back into the bed, throwing on Katsuki's button-down from the night before, enjoying the smell of caramel. 

Katsuki walked back in the room with a tray of their breakfast. He got on the bed with Izuku and began cutting up his food. Izuku happily ate his pancakes, and Katsuki, his omelettes. "I want eggs," Izuku said, his voice slightly muffled with food. "Fuck no. Get your own eggs," he said protectively. "Please," Izuku pouted, smirking internally when he heard Katsuki groan, knowing he just gave in. 

Katsuki cut a piece of his eggs with his fork and blew on the piping hot food. He led his fork to Izuku's mouth, feeding the greenette. Izuku opened his mouth, greedily, happily taking Katsuki's omelette. 

"Can you make that for me next time? Oh! Make both next time," Izuku said happily. "Next time, huh," Katsuki grinned, taking another bite of his food. Midoriya blushed and hit Katsuki on his arm. "Yes, next time," he mumbled, the pancakes making his cheeks all cute and chubby. "Alright," Katsuki grinned, placing another kiss on Izuku's cheek. Izuku smiled at him happily and placed his empty plate on the tray. He began to drink his tea, making light conversation with Katsuki.  

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